Thursday 18 April 2024

Happy Term 5!

Hello everyone and welcome back after the Easter break! Sorry I didn't post this blog at the start of the week, but being new to the school it has taken a bit of time to get added to the various systems and iron out all the technological glitches that come with a new headteacher starting!

I have met many of you on the gate this week already, but if you haven't met me yet please let me introduce myself - I am Miss Nicole Galinis and I am the new headteacher here at Wrotham Road Primary School. 

I've been thoroughly enjoying my first week at the school - the children, staff and parents have all been so welcoming - thank you! I know change is hard and many will be feeling nervous about what the change of leadership will mean for the school. Please let me assure you that Wrotham Road is a great school and I intend for it to continue to be great. Over time we may make some changes but only where it will benefit the children and staff, and there will certainly be no changes imminently. My aim is to support the school to be the the best it can be for our wonderful children, but first I need to spend time getting to know all of the children, staff and parents. 

A letter will be coming home from me next week, in which I invite you to come and meet me at one of our coffee mornings later this term. Myself and Mrs Phillips will host one session for KS2 at 9am on Wednesday 1st May and another for EYFS and KS1 at 9am on Wednesday 8th May. I hope to see many of you there!

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Online Safety: Breck Foundation

Breck Foundation:

Tomorrow we are being visited by the Breck Foundation to talk to pupils about online safety. This is what will be included:

We deliver age-appropriate sessions in schools for children and young people. We usually deliver our sessions to two year groups at a time. These sessions are designed specifically to highlight online safety, security and signposting to help in an accessible way. 

Sessions for each age grouping include: 

Years 1-2: 

The session is approximately 40 minutes long and focuses on online safety tips, including how to stay safe and what to do if they encounter bad behaviour online.

Years 3-4: 

The session is approximately 45 minutes long and focuses on online safety tips including how to stay safe and what to do if they encounter bad behaviour online, in this age group we also touch upon catfishing and grooming. 

Years 5-6:

The session is approximately 1 hour long and includes: 

  • Breck’s story (told in an age-appropriate and sensitive way)
  • Gaming and social media
  • What is grooming?
  • Learning the signs of grooming and how to spot them
  • Speaking up and reporting – including who to talk to when reporting online danger
  • Where to find help

There is also a parent webinar available:

Topic: Wrotham Road Parents

Time: Mar 19, 2024 06:00 PM London


Join Zoom Meeting

Click here (opens a new window)


Meeting ID: 845 3404 7669

Passcode: 700690

Timings do not allow us to offer a viewing at school - apologies.

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Neighbours or Home and Away?

Everybody loves good neighbours...

Personally, I was always a Neighbours fan - maybe it was the Kylie and Jason thing but I suspect it had more to do with the theme song. Look at me, showing my age again.

So why have I brought up old Australian soap operas? It is because I have always thought of our school as a community school. Community is important to us - the children and their families, all our staff and the people who live near us; our neighbours. Sometimes we depend upon them, whether it is to return a wayward playground football or to let us know when there is commotion on the street. Sometimes they depend upon us.

Which is why I am going to make an appeal on behalf of our neighbours on Sheppy Place. Pick up time at the end of the day is sometimes a hectic occasion and we try our best to get our children out of school safely. For the people walking home, this is fairly straight forward but we do have some children who are picked up by car. 

Can we please ask that parents do not use residential parking spaces whilst waiting for their child in their car? Parking spaces on the street in Sheppy Place are rare but it is not very neighbourly to park in the off-road spaces reserved for for residents. I know that these neighbours understand the dilemma that our parents have when trying to pick up their children, particularly in the rain but I am aware of their understandable level of frustration. On top of this, we also have concerns regarding parents sitting in idling cars at the end of the day - for health reasons.

I do not moan often -  I know this concerns only a small proportion of our community and I am so grateful for the support parents and carers have shown me in the short period I have been Head of School. However before I go, please be more Kylie, be more Jason.

Friday 8 March 2024

A Value of Equality

The Palestinian – Israeli Conflict 

There are many people in our school communities who have been directly or indirectly affected by this conflict. Muslim and Jewish based discrimination is rising, and for some of us, we directly know family members or friends that have lost their lives or been affected in other ways. 

Regardless of the complexities and intricacies of this historic conflict, and ongoing tension, and irrespective of our individual religious or political stance, I am sure we can all unite in our compassion for those mothers and fathers that have lost their children in this conflict, and to those children who have been orphaned. Palestinian or Israeli, we wish for there to be safety for all children and families. 

The Golden Thread Alliance has a strong value of “Equality” and will support any child or family that is being affected by the current situation. We are also very aware of our responsibilities to provide a clear, non-threatening, age-appropriate response to any questions that may be posed by our own children. We also use a resource called “Picture News” which provides resources for schools and individual teachers to use in their lessons. 

It is important that we recognise the severity of the current situation, whilst remaining supportive of all sectors of the community. We send our thoughts, support and love to all children and families caught up in this crisis, and hope for a cease to all violent action as soon as possible. The Golden Thread Alliance will be supporting the current crisis by holding a collection, through buckets on the gate, on 11th March 2024 where any donations, large or small, will be sent to The Red Cross Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territory Appeal. 

Thank you as always, for your continued understanding and support. 

The Golden Thread Alliance 

Friday 1 March 2024

I've Got a Cow...

Does anyone have some beans? 

Or can you spare a few hours a week to become a reading helper?

The Golden Thread Alliance is working with a charity called Coram Beanstalk and are looking for volunteers who can spare an afternoon or two a week to come in to school as a reading helper; holding reading sessions with some of our children on a one-to-one basis. 

It’s a fun role that’s about much more than just listening to children read. 

Coram Beanstalk help children become readers; equipping reading helpers to help children switch onto reading and become confident independent readers. 

Reading helpers are trained in an approach that brings fun and enjoyment to the reading experience, ultimately leading to the child wanting to read and being enthusiastic about it!

Reading helpers read to the child, talk about what they have read, check understanding and encourage thinking and conversation based on a book. They use fun book-based activities to reinforce understanding and develop vocabulary through a positive reading experience. 

We know this approach works and raises reading attainment with the additional benefits of improving confidence, self-esteem and attitude to learning. 

If you would like to become a reading helper at our school or you know someone, perhaps a grandparent or a neighbour who would like to join our friendly school community, please do consider this role. 

If you are already a parent volunteer or reading volunteer, then please do still apply if you would like to take on this role.

For more information or to apply online, visit the volunteers section at  

Make sure you mention the school you in your application.                             

You can also the contact the Trust English Lead via email if you have any questions regarding becoming a reading volunteer. 

Her email address is

'You Can't Win Anything with Kids'

As one football pundit famously put it.

We all know how wrong he was about that! (For those of you born this century, it was said about Manchester United's young side before they won EVERYTHING).

Bang goes my promise to avoid football and politics in my blog.

Here at Wrotham Road, we are very much about the joy of participation - our 'kids' always have a focus on the pleasure of being part of a team - helping and supporting and cheering on their team mates. However, credit where it is due...

This term. the school absolutely smashed the trust's Times Table Rockstar School challenge.

We then trebled our best trophy haul in the Golden Gala swim meet

 (One trophy missing from photo)

In that well-known sporting arena of competitive poetry recital, we took home two trophies 

Common to all these achievements, the camaraderie that all our children demonstrated - taking pleasure in the success of others - was a reoccurring observation made by other people at these events. Maybe even if you don't win, you can still win hearts.

Wednesday 21 February 2024


Wrotham Road are you ready to rock?

Monday saw the first session of Rock Steady band sessions.
Was it loud? Yes. Was it dynamic? Yes. Was it fun? Of course!

Was it melodic? We are getting there.

Thanks to Mr Nouri for putting this together. Glastonbury awaits.

Tuesday 20 February 2024

Dawn of a New Era

Ripping the bandaid

In my day, we used to call it a 'plaster'. There are 2 schools of thought - either rip it off in one motion or slowly pull at it in the hope that it won't hurt. When it comes to farewells, I am very much a 'one good tug' sort of person.

Tomorrow, our new headteacher - Miss Galinis - will be spending the entire day at school so that she can get a feel for the way the school runs and also to be formally introduced to the children. Hopefully, she will be the lady stood next to me if you drop off or pick up your children at the school gate.

I am not one for big announcements in the hall so I went round to each individual classroom to tell the children about our important visitor. The problem with this (is it  a problem, really?) is that it allows the children the opportunity to ask questions:

  • Yes, I am really leaving at Easter
  • No, I am not retiring
  • Yes, it will allow me more time with my LEGO
  • No, there's no need to feel sad because I am happy with my decision.

Not really the quickest bandaid rip ever.

Anyway, if you get the opportunity - come and say 'Hello' to our new headteacher.

Monday 5 February 2024

Top of the Rocks

Talking of letting the other schools know... 

We won the Times Tables Rock Stars termly competition against all the other Golden Thread Alliance schools.

By quite a large margin.

Just sayin'

I know, you know but do they know?

They do now!

I will never tire of telling our children about how brilliant they are. It is important because not every school has pupils that are so well behaved and demonstrate such respect for the feelings of the  people around them. Nor do they have pupils who are so ready to express themselves through the joy of song and dance.

The Young Voices concert that took place last Thursday at the O2 in Greenwich provided the ideal opportunity for our children to demonstrate these qualities, in the company of thousands of other children. Once again, they shone. So much so that I was contacted by another headteacher from another school who felt that she had to tell me personally just how impressed she was by they way they conducted themselves. 

'They oozed enthusiasm and energy and they were an absolute credit to you all'

There is a separate blog with more details about the event and I must acknowledge the support of Mr Nouri, Mrs Saunders and Miss Gent for organising and supporting the school's participation

Wednesday 31 January 2024

Young Voices

Down at the O2... Oh too... Owww two?

Mr Nouri has taken our school choir on their annual pilgrimage to join and sing with thousands of other pupils.

Shouldn't be too hard to spot

They have already had time for a spot of lunch, can't think where Mr Nouri is.

There is, of course, a separate blog devoted to this trip:here

Monday 15 January 2024


What are we doing about it?

As a school, we are judged and measured by all sorts of criteria. Sometimes Ofsted visits us and tells we are 'Good'. Sometimes the trust visit us and confirms that we are 'Good'. 

There are all sorts of documents and league tables and data which help these visitors make their judgements. One of those is attendance data. In a nutshell, anything above 96% attendance by pupils is regarded as 'Good'. Last year we were 93%, last term we were 94% so we are improving.

The first few days back after Christmas saw some peculiar things happen to our attendance figures. We started on Tuesday morning at 86%, by the afternoon we were 90% and on Wednesday morning we were at 93% - We managed as a community to improve by 7% over little more than 24 hours.

Of course the reason for this was confusion over the early start to the term and the fact that many secondary schools were starting later than us. Once you knew we were in, attendance improved.

I guess the lesson here is about communication and we are constantly trying to improve our skills in this area. A major step is the appointment of a new school Attendance Officer this term. For those of you with younger children, she will be immediately familiar: Mrs Kate Fielder. 

She is now your contact point for support with attendance - whether your child should be or will be in or not. She will also contact you if the school feels we need to offer you support.

One message she will be delivering is that we not will authorise holidays in term time or allow holidays to be extended into term time except in exceptional circumstances. That term has many interpretations - so please come and talk to us well in advance and be very prepared for a refusal.

So what are WE doing about it - it is not a 'royal we'; it is not just the school. It is you, me, the staff and the children working together to get the school the judgement it deserves.

Friday 12 January 2024


The long-awaited scaffolding will be erected in the area next to the Y3Y4 (middle playground) between Mon 15th and Weds 16th Jan: NEXT WEEK.


This is so we can investigate and start repairs to our leaking roof.


It is important that this has minimal impact for our children but there will need to be a few changes to routines for everyone to remain safe.


Some changes to school routines


Breakfast club: Please enter via FRONT gate – (scaffold equipment/workers will be at rear).


Morning: Pupils enter through usual gate by 8.55am

-       Nursery will still access via usual entrance. 

-       REC, Y1 and Y2 will gather in the FRONT playground. 

-       Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6 will gather in REAR playground.

Staff will be on hand to direct children. 


Playtimes: Only change is that Y3Y4 will have an later playtime on Y5Y6 playground.


Lunchtimes: Packed lunches will be in classrooms. School dinners will remain in canteen.


End of day: Access via usual gate at usual time but…

-       Nursery will still exit via usual door. 

-       REC, Y1 and Y2 will exit to FRONT playground. 

-       Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6 will exit to REAR playground.

Please be mindful of staff directions to enable safe pick up.


After school club: Access as usual, please be aware of restricted pathway.


We have also amended our emergency evacuation routes for this time.


Ultimately, we are clearing traffic through our middle playground. Children will be able to access the canteen for lunch but under strict supervision. Parents will not be allowed on, or through, this area during this period. If you do choose to cross the site via the pathway at the back of the canteen, please be aware of the increase in footfall.


I have the upmost faith in your support for these changes and will be on hand at the start and end of school day.

Wednesday 3 January 2024

Welcome to 2024 - We go again

Still climbing...

Happy New Year to all our families, especially to those of you who bravely made it in for the start of term yesterday. A combination of an early start to the term and secondary schools not returning until today meant that yesterday we were down to 86% attendance for our children.

Unfortunately, this is something we are measured on by both the government and the trust. Whilst misunderstandings do happen and people do get ill, we do love seeing your children every day of the school year. Moan over.

So, I am still here - the trust have asked me to stay on as Acting Head until the arrival of the new Headteacher at Easter. Of course I am delighted to do this; nothing has given me greater pleasure than leading this wonderful school and it has been a life-affirming experience for me, in a vocational sense. I have always wanted to be teacher, from a very early age, so being a headteacher is really 'top of the mountain' of me .

There are changes to come this year and there have already been a few changes for this term. Mrs Tillet - our long-time School Business Manager - retired in December with, at her request, the minimum of fuss. That did not mean that we didn't stick her in front of the entire school and ask the children to sing to her. Of course we did. 

This means that I am going to ask you to be patient with our office whilst new staff settle in. They are expert 'jugglers' but even experts occasionally drop the ball. I am sure you will show them the same level compassion as you showed your new 'Headteacher' in September.

Miss Anwar will be reducing her week to 4 days, Mon - Thurs, as she furthers her career via studying for new qualifications. She will be covered on Fridays
by Mrs Cole, an experienced teacher who has joined us from Riverview Juniors. 

I hope the 'magic' I spoke to you about at the start of each Christmas performance last term visited you over the holiday period. It was certainly there in the form of a £300 donation we were able to offer Ellenor Hospice as a result of the collection we held. Alongside the money raised for Save the Children for Christmas Jumper Day, you made sure that magic could be shared.

Here's hoping for more magic this term.

Monday 11 December 2023

Back again for Christmas!

Oh the joys of modern technology!

We are currently installing a new and super wizzy filtering system for the school which is blocking my attempts to keep this blog updated. I mean, there is safe and there is annoyingly safe. 

Meanwhile, we are into the Christmas jumper and silly hat wearing phase of the school term.
Christmas dinner - the crackers are back - is on Wednesday and today we start the Christmas performances.

The big one - Joseph, Mary, the wee baby Jesus and the donkey or EYFS performance as we like to call it - is Thursday 14th at 2:30

Monday: Y5 (9.30) and Y6 (2.30)

Tuesday: Y3 (9.30) and Y4 (2.30)

Wednesday: Y1 (9.30) and Y2 (2.30)

Thursday: EYFS (2.30)

There will be a collection for Ellenor Hospice at each performance, so bring your loose change.

School ends on Friday 15th December at 1.15pm. Pass the glad tidings

Sunday 26 November 2023

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Brake it Down!

Road Safety Week

As a school located on a main road - indeed as a school that shares its name with that very road we are incredibly aware of the need to talk about road safety.

This year we are drawing our pupils attention to Road Safety Week and sharing the messages and information raised by their campaign. 

Their resources for primary schoolchildren support the Let's Talk about SPEED theme of Road Safety Week and are suitable for children of different ages and abilities.

We're back!

Not that we ever went away.

It is just that the school's new filtering system is a little TOO keen and simply will not allow Blogger before 5.30pm. 

So what have you missed?

An inspirational figure

Well, Y2 went off to visit the statue of Squadron Leader Mahinder Singh Pujji DFC as part of their Time Travellers  topic. At the same time they commemorated Remembrance Day in paying their respects to all those who served alongside Britain in all conflicts. 

The Squadron leader also serves as an inspirational figure to our house captains.

Tuesday 14 November 2023

Happy Diwali

The Festival of Lights

"Are you a uniform school... or are children allowed to wear what they like?"

On Monday I was conducting a tour of the school for new and prospective families. It was a big group and, as usual, our children were being their bright and smiley selves - utterly focussed on their work and eager to show the visitors what they were learning.

It simply had not occurred to me to explain that the reason why the majority of our community were dressed in bright colours was in celebration of Diwali.

I mean, that's just what we do here... isn't it? Embracing diversity is such a fundamental part of our school that we just take it for granted. 

I quickly explained - or rather a Y1 pupil who was eavesdropping did - then we made our way to the hall where Mrs Miah and a group of Y6 pupils were leading a very active Bhangra workshop. At this point, one of the children amongst the visitors joined in with the nearest group.

This was simply further proof of what we already know - our school is special, vibrant and welcoming.

Friday 10 November 2023

A Word from our Sponsors

A warm welcome from the PTA

We would like to introduce ourselves and tell 
you some key information about the PTA and how you can help us!   

Why does the school have a PTA?

The main function of our PTA is to support the school by raising as much money as we can to enhance, enrich and improve learning experiences for the children. We also exist to bring the communities of school and home closer together because it makes sense for parents to be involved in the life of their chosen school.

When you support us, you are not only attending an event or giving up your time by volunteering, you are also making new friends, strengthening community and contributing to the overall success of the school.

There is no joining process and all parents/guardians are welcome! You can support as much as you like around your commitments. We all have something to give! The most important skills you can bring are enthusiasm and willingness.

The PTA is run by a committee who are all volunteers.

Introducing the Committee-


Hayley Walker-Climpson

Vice Chair

Nicola Flack


Stephanie Selvey




We are also joined by some amazing Parents and Teachers that all contribute and support us with our fundraising!

The more interaction we have from parents, the more we are able to achieve!

If you are interested in joining the PTA, or would like further information. 

Please leave your contact details at the school office or you are able to contact the Chair of the PTA- Hayley Walker-Climpson

Friday 20 October 2023

Poppy Appeal 2023 and Clubs for New Term.

Poppy Appeal 

During this week Year 6 pupils have been selling poppies in school to raise funds for the Poppy Appeal 2023 which is organised by the Royal British Legion. This will continue when we return during the first week of next term 

If your child would like to purchase a poppy, please can they bring in their donation for the week beginning Monday 6th November. 

Year 6 will continue to sell poppies up until Friday 10th November or once they run out. 

Clubs for New Term

All clubs are now available to book for next term and should be live on Arbor from today.

Wednesday 18 October 2023

Modern Technology

Does anybody remember Etcha a Sketch? 

For a certain generation it was the height of technology. With a twist of two knobs you could create a masterpiece like Van Gogh's Starry Night. 

I mean, look...

The truth is, reality never really matched the promise you saw on the product's box

So why am I taking you down a personal Memory Lane? 

I am presently sat flicking through the parent survey forms many of you completed during our recent parent's evening. The huge majority are very positive - we do appreciate your support and comments. Of course I am going to focus more on criticisms, that is the nature of my job.

A number of you have expressed concern about communications from school - the timings, the notifications and the range of different types. I do understand the points made.

Some of the issues centre on the Teachers4parents and Arbor apps. A bit like my childhood toy, neither of these bits of technology appear to be living up to the promise they gave. I think Arbor will improve as we all become familiar with its functions.

Teachers4parents however, appears to have a glitch...If you have the app then texts will only appear if you have notifications on (?) I don't have the app and texts from school just appear in the usual manner.

Strange... but not as strange as expecting a masterpiece 

Wednesday 11 October 2023

Is one flu-free for winter?

Your child is invited to have a flu vaccination this winter.

Flu can be an unpleasant illness and can cause serious complications. Having the flu vaccine protects your child and your family and friends, by preventing the spread of flu. It’s recommended to have the vaccine every year as the type of flu can vary each winter. 

The vaccination is a quick and painless spray up the nose. There is no charge for the vaccine. 


The School-aged Immunisation Service will be visiting school on 30/11/2023

Please discuss this immunisation with your child and complete the online form at before midnight on 24/11/2023 to tell us if your child is getting the vaccine or not.

Please submit either a YES consent or a NO consent as we will continue to invite your child to be vaccinated unless we hear from you. This may mean that one of our team calls you to obtain verbal consent over the phone. 


If we are unable to vaccinate your child at school you will receive an email with a link to our online clinic booking site where you can book an immunisation appointment.



The school will be sending you a more detailed letter via email.