Dear Parent/Carers,
As yet another school year comes to a close under very exceptional circumstances, I am writing to thank you for your loyalty, support and encouragement over these very difficult few months. I would also like to thank all the staff of the school for being so flexible in adapting so quickly to support me with the running of the school in such an uncertain situation.
At the end of this term we will be saying a fond farewell to Mrs Smith (Reception) and Miss Downes (Y3). Both have worked at the school for a many number of years and have a significant impact on life at Wrotham Road School in their time with us. I also want to thank Miss Brady, one of our Year 4 TA’s, who will also be leaving us at the end of this term. I wish them all well in their future careers.
New Classes for September 2020:
Year | Teacher | |
Nursery | Mr Nouri | |
Reception | RB: Mrs Bhathal | RS: Mrs Shaxted & Mrs Strevens |
Year 1 | 1M: RBH go to Miss McIntosh | 1CT: RBS go to Mrs Chappell & Mrs Taffs |
Year 2 | 2S: 1CT go to Miss Stone | 2B: 1S go to Miss Butt |
Year 3 | 3F: 2E go to Mrs Foord | 3A: 2M go to Miss Anwar |
Year 4 | 4T: 3F go to Miss Tan | 4E: 3D go to Mrs Evans |
Year 5 | 5A: 4S go to Mr Alderson | 5S: 4A go to Miss Stenson |
Year 6 | 6K: 5S go to Miss Karim | 6S: 5K go to Mr Smith |
This year, in order to support the return to school life, pupils will stay in their present class groupings as they move up.
Leadership Structure for September |
| |
Deputy Headteacher - Mr Bennett | EYFS Leader – Mrs Bhathal | |
SEND & Inclusion Leader - Mrs Catlow | Phase Leader Year 1/2 – Miss Butt | |
| Phase Leader Year 3/4 – Mrs Evans | |
| Phase Leader Year 5/6 – Mr Smith | |
We will break up on Wednesday 22nd July. Please note the change of date.
Sadly, we did not get the opportunity to say any sort of traditional farewell to our Year 6 pupils; we know that they will all achieve great success as they move on to secondary school. We all wish them luck and hopefully we will see them all again in the not too distant future.
All that remains is for me to wish you all a wonderful summer. Enjoy the break and see you all in September.
NEW Staggered Arrival and Departure Times:
The government has directed us to ensure that adults do not gather on our site. In order to comply with this, we are staggering our arrival and departure times and using as many access points as we can.
Access Points:
Nursery pupils will arrive/depart by the front Office gate and go to Nursery gate
Reception pupils will arrive/depart by the new front Reception gate and go to Front playground.
Year 1, Y2 and Y3 pupils will arrive/depart by the front Office gate and go to Middle playground.
Year 4, Y5 and Y6 pupils will arrive/depart by the back Sheppy Place gate and go to Top playground.
On arriving at their school playground, apart from Reception children, pupils will have immediate access to their class rooms, there will be NO lining-up. Staff will be at all gates and in all playgrounds to guide your child and support social distancing.
Arrival and Departure Times:
Nursery: (AM) Drop off 8.30 - 8.45. Pick up 11.30. (PM) Drop off 12.45 - 1.00. Pick up 3.45
Reception: Drop off 8.45 - 9.00. Pick up 3.00 - 3.15 – Front playground (via front Reception gate).
Year 1: Drop off 9.00 - 9.15. Pick up 3.30 – Middle playground (via front Office gate).
Year 2: Drop off 8.45 - 9.00. Pick up 3.15 – Middle playground (via front Office gate).
Year 3: Drop off 8.30 - 8.45. Pick up 3.00 – Middle playground (via front Office gate).
Year 4: Drop off 9.00 - 9.15. Pick up 3.30 – Top playground (via back Sheppy Place gate).
Year 5: Drop off 8.45 - 9.00. Pick up 3.15 – Top playground (via back Sheppy Place gate).
Year 6: Drop off 8.30 - 8.45. Pick up 3.00 – Top playground (via back Sheppy Place gate).
If you have more than one child at school, please drop off the youngest child and your older children will be allowed to walk through the school site to access their entrance. Only one adult per family is permitted on site.
Parking in Sheppy Place: Please avoid driving into this very narrow street directly behind the school, as there will be an increase in the number of pedestrians in this area. It is a resident only parking area.
As you can imagine, the logistics behind all of the above is mind-boggling and there are bound to be teething problems. Our prime concerns are the safeguarding of our children and the health of our community. I am sure you will be patient.
Packed lunches: These will no longer be kept in the canteen. Your child will take it with them into the classroom.
More detailed information will be provided on the blog a few weeks before the first day of term.
Please ensure the school office have any new contacts details for you so we can inform you via text of any updates (01474 534540)
Kind regards,
Mrs Sarah Jack