Monday, 19 July 2021

End of term Letter -19th July

    Dear Parent/Carers,

This will be the last newsletter of this academic year. May I take this opportunity to thank you for all the support that you have given both the school and your children over this past year. Throughout the pandemic, my teachers and support staff have made me incredibly proud, they have excelled in continuing to deliver an education and learning experiences to the highest of standards in exceptional circumstances. We have all had to adapt to new ways of working and I wanted to take this opportunity to recognise the amazing job that you, as parents, have done in supporting your child’s wellbeing and learning during this difficult time. 

Staffing Update

I also have some exciting news to share; over the half term break Miss Karim got married, so when we return in September she will be known as Mrs Miah. We will also be saying farewell to Miss Stenson who will be relocating to London, Miss Tan who will be moving to Spain for a new teaching opportunity in a new country and Mrs Chappell who will be following a new career outside the teaching role. Mrs Gibson (Y5 teaching assistant) will also be leaving us after 11 years to relocate to Norfolk and work in a new school there. I want to wish each and every one of them every success in their future careers/ opportunities and thank them for all the years they have dedicated to the school.  Mrs. Foord will be returning to us in September as Miss Gent, in her new role as SENCO.

I would especially like to thank Mrs. Goble who will be retiring from the KS1 department after 32 devoted years. She will be very hard to replace and very greatly missed. I am certain that you all will join us in congratulating her and wishing her a very happy retirement. 

New teaching teams for September 2021:




Mr Nouri


Mrs Bhathal

Mrs Hawes

Mrs Shaxted

Mrs Hawes


Year 1

Miss McIntosh

Mrs Taffs

Mrs Seager

Year 2

Miss Stone

Miss Butt

Mrs Seager


Year 3

Miss Anwar

Miss Griffths

Year 4

Mrs Evans

Miss Gent (Mrs Foord)

Miss Franklin


Year 5

Mr Alderson 

Miss Smith

Year 6

Mrs Miah (Miss Karim)

Mr Smith



Leadership team for September 2021:


Deputy Headteacher – Mr Bennett

Phase Leader Year 1/2 – Miss Butt

SENCO – Miss Gent (Mrs Foord)

Phase Leader Year 3/4 – Mrs Evans

EYFS Manager – Mrs Bhathal

Phase Leader Year 5/6 – Mr Smith


Transition to new classes

Today was transition day, this gave every pupil the opportunity to go into their new class and meet their new teacher and classroom assistant. The aim was to familiarise them with the routines, expectations, lunchtime organisation and playground changes of their new year group. We are sure today was a great success and all the children had a lovely day in their new class.

Can I remind you that we will break up on Friday 23rd July at staggered times:

Reception, Year 3 and Year 6 at 1pm

Year 2 and Year 5 at 1.15pm

 Year 1 and Year 4 at 1.30pm

Nursery at 1.30pm

Please collect from the usual playground.

Finally, we will be saying a fond farewell to our current Year 6. We know that the last year has been a real challenge but I know, by the way they have dealt with the last 18 months, that they will all achieve great success as they move on to their new secondary school. We all wish them well and hopefully they will visit us to give us an update on their progress. 

All that remains is for me to wish you all a wonderful summer. Enjoy the break and see you all in September.

Kind regards,

Mrs. Jack

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