EYFS Tasks and Discussion Points
Provision Area challenge:
Can you have fun working together to build your own den?
Provision Area:
Indoor/ Outdoor space
EYFS Framework:
Constructs with a purpose in mind, using a variety of resources. Children select appropriate resources and adapts work where necessary.
Key Questions (for adults supporting play):
Where do we want to build the den? How big do we want it to be? What shall we use? How can we attach the roof? Is it strong enough or do you think it could fall down? How can we make it stronger?
Key Vocabulary:
Den, build, attach, fold, front, back, roof, side, door, window, strong, weak, blankets, sheets, pegs
Provision Area challenge:
Can you write a list of all the fun things you would like to do whilst you are off school?
Provision Area:
Writing Area
EYFS Framework:
Gives meaning to marks as they draw, write and paint. Uses some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning, representing some sounds correctly and in sequence.
Key Questions (for adults supporting play):
What do you think you should put on the list first? What games do you think we should play? What exercise should we do? What could we bake? What exciting thing could we do that we’ve never done before? Can you read back the things on your list?
Key Vocabulary:
Write, letters, sounds, list, first, next, last, games, exercise, bake, build, cut out, make
Can you go on a shape hunt around your home?
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Provision Area:
EYFS Framework:
Children are beginning to use mathematical names for ‘solid’ 3D shapes and ‘flat’ 2D shapes, and mathematical terms to describe shapes.
Key Questions (for adults supporting play):
What objects can you find? What shape do you think it is? Can you draw around a part of it? What shape can you see now? Can we find something else that makes a circle when we draw around it? What shape have we not found yet? I wonder what we might have in our home that is that shape?
Key Vocabulary:
Shapes, triangle, circle, square, rectangle, oblong, semicircle, cone, pyramid, cuboid, cube, cylinder, corners, sides, faces
Can you make your own music?
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Provision Area:
Outdoor Area
EYFS Framework:
Explore the different sounds of instruments.
Key Questions (for adults supporting play):
What could we use to make music? Can you explore the sounds you can make? What happens if you hit your instrument harder/softer? Can you make fast/slow music? Can you play your music using the music notation prompts? Can you continue the pattern of the music? Can you make your own prompts?
Key Vocabulary:
Music, instruments, drum, shaker, beater, hard, soft, fast, slow, loud, quiet, play
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