Friday 22 May 2020

Key Worker Children

Today we decorated rocks and made them into photo holders, and we watered the lovely plants on the year 5/6 playground.
We also had a dance lesson with Miss Stenson this afternoon and the children took home sunflower seedlings to look after.

Time Tables Rock Stars

A huge well done to all KS2 classes for taking part in Battle of the Bands and for all their efforts in gaining as many points as possible. The scores are now in and I would like to say congratulations to 3D, 4A, 5S, and 6S for winning the battle for their band!

Thursday 21 May 2020

Kent Letter to Year 5 Parents - 11+ Update

Dear Parents,

We understand that many of you with children in Year 5 are very anxious to know what will happen about the Kent Test when the new school year starts in September. We are carefully considering what might be deliverable, depending on advice from central government as the pandemic runs its course and decisions are made about the easing of lockdown for children of primary school age.

Many factors could change between now and the end of term and this means that we are currently unable to tell you exactly how we will assess children for grammar school in the new academic year. We can confirm, however, that we will need some way to identify which children are eligible. 

Testing has the benefit of being available to the thousands of grammar school applicants we normally assess every year, however recently they have arrived in Kent and wherever they usually study, even if they are home educated, so it would be the most straightforward option if it is possible. Whatever is decided, though, we need to be confident that we can keep the risk to children and their teachers as low as possible, allowing grammar schools meet their legal obligations in a fair and transparent way,  while allowing KCC to stay within the national timetable for coordinating school admissions. 

We appreciate that everyone of school age is missing classroom teaching, but it is fortunate that there are many excellent resources available through schools and education sites for children. Familiarisation material for the Kent Test can also be found in the “Test Paper” tab Click Here

We will update the website for everyone’s benefit when we have received further guidance from the Department for Education and there is a clearer understanding of what arrangements may be possible. In the meantime, we would ask that parents monitor the Kent Test page for updates, rather than sending individual enquiries. We do understand that uncertainty is difficult, especially for children, but KCC is unable to confirm what arrangements will be in place until there is a clearer understanding of how children are likely to return to school in greater numbers.

Link Click Here


Key Worker Pupils Only

If you are a Key Worker and have a child in Year 2,3, 4 or  5 and need childcare from the 1st June please email the school office requesting what days you will require.

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Government Support- Home Learning

We have created a list of online educational resources to help children to learn at home. These resources have been identified by leading educational experts and offer a wide range of support and resources for pupils of all ages. 


We will be closed over the half term break 
WB 25th May- 29th May

Phase Opening

Thank you for completing the parent survey this week. 

As directed by the Government Wrotham Road  Primary School will re-open on the 1st June, for those pupils in year :-

Year 1
Year 6

If you feel it is still unsafe and you are unhappy for your child to return that is acceptable  and you will not be fined for making this decision.

If you change your mind at any time please inform the school office on
01474 534540 

Monday 18 May 2020

Parent Survey For Opening on the 1st June

For pupils only in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6

Today a new survey went live asking parents if they will be sending their child back on the 1st June. This is so we can ensure the planning for the re-opening of the school is thoroughly thought out before the half term break.

If not already done so, please can parents who have children only in :-

Nursery, Year R, Year 1 and Year 6 

Complete this survey. Click Here

Deadline will be this Wednesday morning. 

Many thanks.

Wednesday 20th May

National thank a teacher day 

On Wednesday 20 May, we are celebrating teachers, senior leaders, support staff and all those working in education settings who are making a difference to their schools and communities during the coronavirus outbreak. 

The Department for Education is working in partnership with the Teaching Awards Trust which has produced a set of resources including a Thank a Teacher toolkit containing graphics, images and frames for social media that you’re free to use.
The Thank a Teacher Toolkit is available here: 

Friday 15 May 2020

Story Time Online

Coronavirus Explained for Children

Released today: a free information book explaining the coronavirus to children, illustrated by Gruffalo illustrator Axel Scheffler.

Battle of the Bands - 15th May until 22nd May

Battle of the Bands is back! This will be a 7 day battle, one week only, only one band will be left! 

You will battle within your year group and gain as many points for your band as you can! Play as much as you can in any game mode to help increase your bands scores!

It will begin on Friday 15th May at 9am and end on Friday 22nd May at 9am! Get practicing....

May the best band win!

Thursday 14 May 2020

New Home Learning for Week 5 and 6- Now available !

Week 5 and 6 Home Learning is now available on the school website.

Under the "Children" tab or click on the red "Home Learning Support" icon on the home page. 

Click on the text under the phoenix pictures with your child's year group.

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Reading support at home - Book themed games and activities - Games and family literacy activities from the Literacy Trust

Also, a reminder that if children have a library card then they can access the e-Library where they will have free access to thousands of eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and eNewspapers

Parent Survey - Nursery,Year R,Year 1 and Year 6 only please

Following the Prime Minister's announcement that children in 
Year N, R, 1 and 6 
MAY return to school from 1st June, please can I ask that you complete this short survey to help inform our initial planning.
Many thanks,
Mrs Sarah Jack
Dear Parents/ Carers

Due to school closures relating to the coronavirus, for a limited period of time Kent Educational Psychology Service are offering free consultations via video/phone call for 30 minutes, where parents/carers can talk to an educational psychologist. The aim of this service is to provide advice and guidance to support children’s wellbeing and learning during the time of school closures.

Topics or areas that you may wish to discuss could include:

·     Anxiety around the current situation and its impact on your children and family. 
·      Supporting your children’s emotional needs.
·      Concerns about family relationships.
·      Concerns about friendships, learning, daily structure and sleep routines. 
·      How you can best look after yourself to support your children.
·      Preparing for the transition back to school.
If you would like to make use of this service, please contact: When you e-mail, please give: 
-   your name; 
-   phone number;
-   the time of day that would be most convenient to be called back (i.e. morning, afternoon, early evening);
-   a brief description of what you wish to discuss.  

We will do our best to respond within two working days but this may be subject to availability.

You may also find the following organisations helpful at this time:
·      Contact- Free helpline and website for families
0808 808 3555
·      Mind UK- Charity supporting mental health
·      Family Action- Free helpline for families 
0808 802 6666
·      Kooth- Counselling app for young people
·      The Samaritans 
116 123
·      Young minds parent helpline
0808 802 5544
·      National Autistic Helpline
0808 800 4104

Best Wishes
Kent Educational Psychology Service

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Well Done Purple Mash Stars!

Hayley - Y3
Becoming a Rock Legend on 27/04/20

Gurshan -Y3
Becoming a Rock Legend on 10/05/20

Martyna -Y4
Becoming a Rock Hero on 09/04/20

Rajan -Y4
Becoming a Rock Hero on 08/05/20
Paige -Y5
Major improvement to her studio speed! 12.24 to 3.61

Candice -Y5
Improvement ​to her studio speed! 20.69 to 1.94

Ethan - Y6
Improvement to his studio speed! 8.33 to 3.61

Nathan - Y6
Improvement to his studio speed! 16.22 to 1.57


Parents Online Resources

Monday 11 May 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

I am sure many of you will have watched the Prime Minister’s address to the nation last night. 

You will have heard the Prime Minister say that the government believes it may be in a position to implement a phased re-opening of primary schools for certain year groups‪ from the 1st of June. This is part of the government’s conditional plan, which it says will remain under regular review.

As parents, you will have many questions regarding this recent announcement, which will range from exactly which children could come back into school first to how are we going to keep them safe and ensure social distancing measures. 

Unfortunately I am unable to answer these questions at this time, however I would like to reassure you that the safety and well-being of our children and the rest of our school community remains my priority. 

Detailed guidance from the government is due to be published in the upcoming days. Once I receive this, I will be in a position to outline the best approach for Wrotham Road Primary School and what a possible return to school for some of our pupils would look like. 

In the short term, the school site will remain open for the children of key workers and we will still be supporting all our other parents remotely, as we have done over the past few weeks.

I will be in touch again when I have more information for you.

Many thanks

Sarah Jack

Purple Mash Login Details

If you need the login details for your child:

Please email

and we will text you the username and password via the Teachers 2 Parents App.

Thursday 7 May 2020

VE Day Resources

When is VE Day 2020?

VE Day 2020 takes place on Friday May 8 in the United Kingdom. This year, it will be on a Bank Holiday - a decision that has been made specially to honour the 75th anniversary of VE Day.
This day is also known as ‘Victory in Europe Day’. It was celebrated on 8th May, 1945 to mark the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Nazi Germany’s unconditional surrender of its armed forces. This marked the end of World War II in Europe.

CGP- Primary Home Learning

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Home Learning

All available on the school website under the "Children" tab or click on the red "Home Learning Support" icon on the home page. 

Click on the text under the phoenix pictures with your child's year group.

Chapter One: 'The Boy Who Lived' Wizarding World

Daniel Radcliffe reads the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone/Sorcerer’s Stone, as part of Harry Potter At Home. Look out for more special video readings in the upcoming weeks.

Monday 4 May 2020

VE Day

Looking for a fun and creative way to learn about the history of VE Day and how you can mark its 75th anniversary on 8th May?

Take part in Dan Snow's #VEDay 75 Creative Challenge.

Free Learning Activity Booklets for KS1 and KS2

Headstart have put together a selection of pages from a range of our Maths and English resources. The booklets are matched to objectives from the National Curriculum and are an ideal resource for children to complete while working independently from home.

Click Here

Purple Mash

Dear Parent/Carer,
Your child has access to Purple Mash, a whole world of fun and exciting learning opportunities in one safe place.
What is Purple Mash?
Purple Mash is a comprehensive suite of online learning tools and content, designed to be used by Primary aged children in the classroom and at home.
Find out more here:
What should you do first?
To begin with, it’s a good idea to log in to Purple Mash with your child. We suggest the following:
-Familiarising yourself with the menu icons.
-Looking at any set tasks that have been given to your child (2Dos)
-Finding out about Class Blogs and Display Boards accessible via the Sharing Icon
-Exploring the grammar, maths and spelling activities which match to the National Curriculum 

-Play one of many fun, educational collaborative games such as 2Race
-Delve into the Science area and find out about all the areas of Science it covers
-Investigate the Topics area to support securing their knowledge of the wider curriculum -Tour the Computing area trying out some of the tools such as 2Code, 2Go and Logo
-Get creative in the Tools section, from making an animation to building a printable 3D model -Dive into Serial Mash (an online library of books)
-Learn through play in Mini Mash (For children aged 3 to 5).

Happy Purple Mashing

Thursday 30 April 2020

White Rose Daily Lesson - Maths

NEW*** Home Learning Units For Weeks 3 and 4

All available on the school website under the "Children" tab or click on the red "Home Learning Support" icon on the home page. 

Click on the text under the phoenix pictures with your child's year group.

Tuesday 28 April 2020

School Closure- Key Workers

The school will be closed on Wednesday and Friday this week due to provision not needed. 

New Gov Advice for Home-Learning

The government has published information, guidance and support for parents and carers of children who are learning at home.

Joe Wicks: Exercise Log

Bedtime Story With Tom Hardy

CBeebies’ most popular Bedtime Stories reader, Tom Hardy, is returning to screens with a selection of brand new stories to settle the nation’s children down before they make their weary way to bed. Tom wanted to play a part in keeping the children of the UK entertained at this challenging time and will read a new story each day starting on Monday 27 April to Friday 1 May.