Friday, 2 March 2018

Wrotham Road Today

Maths Games

Snow Homework Ideas

Ideas for outside
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Science How can you make a sledge go faster? What material makes the best sledge?

Art Create a snow sculpture. What animal can you make? Could you make an igloo to eat your lunch inside?

Take an extreme reading photo!

Ideas for inside (when you’ve thawed out from playing in the snow!)

Literacy - Write a snow-based adventure story. Here are some photos for a stimulus 

Literacy Write an acrostic snow poem.

Literacy - Write a snow diary, including pictures of anything you’ve been doing over the snow days!

Maths Practise telling the time, times tables (Year 2 only), doubling and halving games, number bonds to 10, 20, 100. Make cakes/pizzas and practise fractions of shapes.

Create a mini-project about the Arctic and Antarctic. Who lives there? What animals live there? How have they adapted to their habitat?

Art Create paper snowflakes. How small can you make one? How big? Can you make a snowflake pattern? How about creating a snowflake print with a sponge?

Science Experiments

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Snow Activities- Maths

Snow Activities

If the snow keeps you away from school, then here are some activities to keep you busy...
Make up a story titled ‘The Day the Snowman Came to Visit,’ and tell it to someone at home.
Research and take notes about an animal who lives in cold climates.
Make a snowball and sit it near a radiator (in a bowl!!!) and time how long it takes to melt.
Make snow bricks that are 15cm long, 5cm in height and 8cm in width. Ask for help from an adult.
Use snowballs to make the 2, 3 and 4 x-tables stories
Health & Wellbeing:
Skip for as long as you can in the snow.
Expressive Arts:

Make a 3 tier snowman and dress it up creatively. Take a photo or draw it to compare with others in the class.

World Book Day

As we are snowed in today, find time in the day to share a story, to read, to enjoy books. Here are some fun ways you and the children can still join in and Share A Story at home:

For lots more fun activities, visit  

Happy reading and story sharing!

Thursday 1st March- CLOSED

Due to the conditions of local roads and pavements and the forecast of further snow we have taken the decision to close the school for a third day.
We understand the difficulties this causes parents and do not take closure decisions lightly so we thank you for your continued support.

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

10am Opening Time- Thursday 1st March

Closing the school over the last two days has been a very difficult decision to make and, throughout the day, we have been reviewing the situation and checking the site with the aim of making a decision about whether we will open tomorrow. 
I have to admit it is still really difficult to call at the moment because, whilst I really want to open the school, I must also consider whether can we get pupils and staff both in and home safely. 
At present, I have read a number of different  weather forecasts for Gravesend and the surrounding areas for the next 48 hours which range from heavy snow overnight to clear but freezing conditions. Whilst Friday’s forecast appears to be more consistent, there seems to be less certainty around Thursday’s; where further snow and disruption are currently forecast during the afternoon. 
Therefore, the current plan is to aim for a later start (10am) tomorrow. This will give our staff, many of whom live more than 30 mins drive away, more time to journey school safely and also assess the safety of the site. 

However, as there was today, there may come a point when we decide that we will be unable to open. We will update relevant online sites and the blog by 8.30am tomorrow. Please note that breakfast club will not be open tomorrow. Refunds will be made accordingly.

My apologies once again for any inconvenience that has been caused due to our school closure and thank you for your continued support and understanding. Please keep checking our website for further updates. 

Sarah Green

World Book Day - Postponed

Tomorrow, Thursday 1st March, is World Book Day. However, even if the weather is suitable for staff and pupils to get into school safely, many parents will not have been able to organise their child’s costume yet. Because of this, we have decided to postpone World Book Day until Thursday 8th March so we can all celebrate our love of books together properly. Please share the news so we can spread the word as much as possible. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

School Closed- Wednesday 28th February

We understand that it is disruptive to shut the school but we only do so in exceptional circumstances when the health and safety of staff and children are at risk.

Having assessed this mornings forecast and school site, ice will bring travel chaos and dangerous walking and driving conditions, making the journey to school unsafe for children and staff. Therefore I have reluctantly made the decision to CLOSE the school today Wednesday 28th February.  My sincere apologies for the any inconvenience caused.
Image result for ice weather

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

School is CLOSED- Tuesday 27th February

School CLOSED due to dangerous road conditions for staff travelling in and forecast for further snow.
Image result for school closed

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Severe Weather Conditions- Snow

How will we let you know if the school is closed? A text will be sent via teachers2parents mail. Please ensure your contact details are up to date please. 

If we do experience severe snow/ice resulting in hazardous conditions, we may have to take the decision to close the school. 

You may also find the information you need from the following sources:

• Kent Closure website - 

• Kent radio 

Please do not telephone the school as the phone lines may be needed. 

Even if the school is open, you may decide at the start of the day that the journey into school is not safe for your child. Please can you then call the school to report the absence in the usual way.

The school will always remain open whenever possible. We will only close on health and safety grounds, e.g. no heating, no running water, insufficient staff to supervise the students or if the site is not safe.

Friday, 23 February 2018

Amazing work from Year 2!

Writing instructions on how to make a jam sandwich.

Thursday, 22 February 2018

Year 1 - IPC Entry Point

Year 1 will be learning about buildings in IPC this term. We looked at the structure of a house of cards and then had a competition to see who could build the best house!



Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Friday, 9 February 2018