Thursday 1 March 2018

Snow Activities

If the snow keeps you away from school, then here are some activities to keep you busy...
Make up a story titled ‘The Day the Snowman Came to Visit,’ and tell it to someone at home.
Research and take notes about an animal who lives in cold climates.
Make a snowball and sit it near a radiator (in a bowl!!!) and time how long it takes to melt.
Make snow bricks that are 15cm long, 5cm in height and 8cm in width. Ask for help from an adult.
Use snowballs to make the 2, 3 and 4 x-tables stories
Health & Wellbeing:
Skip for as long as you can in the snow.
Expressive Arts:

Make a 3 tier snowman and dress it up creatively. Take a photo or draw it to compare with others in the class.

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