Friday 8 January 2021

 Dear Parents and Carers, 

Even though it seems a long time ago already, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and managed to spend and enjoy some quality time with your children and family, despite it not being the Christmas we had all hoped for.

As you know, we have now been placed into Tier 4 with greater and stricter restrictions. This has resulted in school remaining partially open only to those children of critical workers, children with an Educational Health Care Plan and our most vulnerable pupils. For all other pupils who must remain at home, daily lessons are now being provided remotely for all year groups via Purple Mash; please see the accompanying Home Learning Information available on the school website and blog which provides guidance for you all to support your child with their home learning.

We ask that parents of all children at home encourage them to access this remote learning on a daily basis.; it is vitally important that learning continues for all children to ensure they make the best possible progress during this period of lockdown. Class teachers will be checking to make sure all pupils are engaging with this work and if we are concerned that any are not, we shall be contacting you to offer further support / advice.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you are having difficulty accessing online learning from home as we may be able to offer further support. Class teachers can be contacted through the year group emails attached below. Alternatively, if you require a paper copy learning pack, please also let us know as you will be able to come into school to collect one.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of our school community for their commitment and dedication in following Government guidance throughout these extremely challenging times.

Any confirmed cases of Coronavirus in school are immediately reported to the Department for Education and Public Health England who tell us what action needs to be taken. As previously, we will keep you fully informed of any positive cases within the school community, with those who need to self-isolate for 10 days, being the first to be contacted.

Thank you to all of you for your continued support. Please stay safe and try to remain optimistic; let’s keep our fingers crossed that 2021 brings a positive outcome to end these unprecedented times.

King regards,

Mrs Sarah Jack

Class teacher contact

Please find a list of the class emails. These addresses are so that you can ask your child's class teacher for any help around home learning.  Please note that you may not get an instant reply. The staff of Wrotham Road will also be in contact every week to talk to the children just to touch base when we can. 

Mr Nouri

Mrs Shaxted and Miss Hawes

Mrs Bhathal

Miss McIntosh

Mrs Chappell and Mrs Taffs

Miss Butt

Miss Stone

Mrs Foord

Miss Anwar

Mrs Evans

Miss Tan

Mr Alderson

Miss Stenson

Mr Smith

Miss Karim

BookTrust are have free online books for all ages. As well as support for parents. They are supporting home learning through - Books to get through during lockdown. Just in case your children are wanting more books and to encourage the love of reading at home.

Link below

Laptops for schools

With schools now closed again we are once more asking you to help those pupils still in need.

Perhaps you received new laptops or tablets for Christmas or you may have old devices you don’t need anymore?

If you have something you’d like to donate – and that could be a laptop; or tablet that could help a child with their home learning please contact the school office.

Many thanks!

Get Set Eat Fresh!


Get Set to Eat Fresh

with Aldi and Team GB

Free materials for parents to support young people aged 5–14 in developing their understanding and love of fresh, healthy food, the skills they need to cook for themselves and the desire to celebrate food with friends and family.

Aldi and Team GB are challenging young people aged 5–14 to get creative and design an original recipe, inspired by Team GB. Enter from home for the chance to receive a host of exciting prizes and see your dish join Aldi’s online collection of Taste Kitchen recipes – featuring on both the Aldi and Get Set to Eat Fresh websites. What's more, one overall winner – selected by our Aldi Athlete Ambassadors – will receive a piece of exclusive Team GB Tokyo 2020 signed merchandise and have their recipe showcased in print, with a dedicated page spread of an Aldi leaflet! 
Entries must be received by Friday 12 February 2021

Wednesday 6 January 2021

Free Oxford Owl E- Books!

Parents can sign up for free on Oxford Owl and access some ebook reading books, too!

Free eBook library | Oxford Owl from Oxford University Press

FREE eBook Library from Oxford Owl for Home. Welcome to our free eBooks collection, developed for children aged 3–11 years old. If you'd like to learn more about how to support your child's reading, visit our Reading pages.. All our eBooks are tablet-friendly.


Resilience videos for parents

 Click Here

Yoga Lesson Today - Kids Yoga- That Celebrates Our Differences

Click Here To Start

Virtual Assembly

 Click Here to start

What’s going on this week? 

It is thought that thousands of pets were 'panic bought' at the start of the first lockdown. The Battersea Dogs and Cats Home charity have warned that the number of dogs abandoned over the next five years could increase by 27%. The charity, which rehomes animals in London and the surrounding area, surveyed 2,000 dog and cat owners who acquired a new pet during the national lockdown. It found 31% had done so despite not having considered getting a dog or cat before. 

Main question: 

Should anyone be allowed to buy a pet? 

Listen, think, share 

  • • Look at this week’s poster and talk about what you can see. Explain that animal charities are warning that as our lives and routines start to go back to what they were before the pandemic, the owners of many pets that were bought during the lockdown period may find it harder to find the time to look after them. 
  • • Why do you think that so many people chose to buy a pet during this time? Talk about how many people may have felt lonely. Discuss our own experiences of owning pets, or if we’d like to. 
  • • Have we heard of charities such as the RSPCA or the Battersea Dogs and Cats home charity? Do we know what they do? Talk about how they help take care of animals. Read through the information found on the assembly resource about the work of the RSPCA and the Battersea Dogs and Cats Home charity and pets that have been bought over the past year. Do you think that there should be more restrictions when buying a pet? Did you know that there were charities to help in this area? 
  • • Watch this week’s useful video clip (found overleaf), which shows an RSPCA staff member explaining what has happened in recent months. Are you surprised?


Deciding to have a pet is a lifelong commitment. It is important that we consider all of their needs and are confident that we are able to meet them before buying one. 

KS1 Focus 


What types of animals do people keep as pets? 

Listen, think, share 

  • • Think of as many animals as possible and create a list on the board e.g. cat, dog, elephant, hawk, spider. 
  • • Which of the animals listed do you think could be described as pets? Explain that a pet is an animal that we often keep in our homes. They are usually tame and are kept for companionship or pleasure. 
  • • Look at resource 1, which shares some examples of popular pets. Can you name each pet? Do you have a pet? If you could choose, which pet would you like to keep? Why? Can you organise the pets on resource 1, from your most favourite to your least favourite? 
  • • Sometimes people keep animals as pets that we might not think are pets such as hens, pigs, sheep and other farm animals or wild animals such as hedgehogs or snails. Do you know anyone who has an unsual pet? 
  • • If someone decides to keep a pet, what do you think they need to do to make sure it is looked after? For example provide food and water, shelter, exercise, medical care. Discuss that all pets are different so need different amounts of care, space, time and attention. 


There are many different pets we can choose to look after. Where we live, how much time we have and what animals we like can help us decide if we should have a pet and what type of pet we can care for. 

 KS2 Focus 


Why do people buy pets? 

Listen, think, share 

  • • Do you have a pet or know anyone who does? Create a list of the different types of pets you or someone else you know owns. 
  • • Explain that there are many different types of pet. People buy a pet for many different reasons. 
  • • Look at resource 2, where some people share why they have their pet. Can you summarise why each person has their pet e.g. for company, exercise, teach responsibility, eggs? If you have a pet, why did you buy it? 
  • • Do you think the reason someone wants a pet affects the type of animal they choose? If you are buying a pet for companionship, what type of animal might be best? What else might affect their choice e.g. the amount of space they have in their home, the amount of time, how much money it will cost? 
  • • Can you think of any other reasons why someone might buy a pet? For example, someone using a guide dog, buying a cat to control mice, an animal that enters competitions, a sheepdog. Do you think these animals, that have a job to do, can still be described as pets? 
  • • Do you think that everyone who owns a pet has bought it? How else might you end up owning a pet? Discuss that you may find an animal that needs help, be given a pet, take on a pet that somebody no longer wants or can care for etc. 


There are many different reasons why people buy pets. Whatever the reason, if we choose to own a pet, we must make sure it can be cared for properly. 

Monday 4 January 2021

Home Learning For The Week- WB 5th January 2021


Click on the year group link below:-

Class teacher contact

Please find a list of the class emails. These addresses are so that you can ask your child's class teacher for any help around home learning.  Please note that you may not get an instant reply. The staff of Wrotham Road will also be in contact with you to talk to the children just to touch base when we can. 

We would like to send our very best wishes to all of you at this very difficult time, we understand how challenging this period will be for all of us.  

Keep reading, exercise, do the best you can with the work supplied and stay safe.

Mrs Jack

 Mr Nouri                                 

Mrs Shaxted and Miss Hawes

Mrs Bhathal YearRB@wrotham-road.kent.sch.u

Miss McIntosh

Mrs Chappell and Mrs Taffs

Miss Butt

Miss Stone

Mrs Foord

Miss Anwar

Mrs Evans

Miss Tan

Mr Alderson

Miss Stenson

Mr Smith

Miss Karim

Battle of the bands start on Tuesday 5th January at 9am!

 Battle of the Bands is back!  

Home Learning Support - WB 5th January 2021


Times Table Rockstars: The school post code is DA11 0QF

Sumdog: You will be able to sign in as a parent and access a variety of free games – or upgrade to a subscription should you wish to do so. This website allows access to some free resources such as ‘Problems of the Day’ and ‘Barvember’. Here you can find Maths activities tailored to each Year group. Access to these maths resources is currently free of charge Here you can sign up to access free resources to support Maths learning


These activities from the Science Museum can be sorted by key stage and may be useful to those with older children too:

The STEM website has a range of downloadable resources sorted by topic and year group:


HISTORY – for Y6



ALL SUBJECTS: Twinkl are offering a variety of free resources for parents, covering a wide range of subjects.

In very exciting Harry Potter related news, JK Rowling has launched a new website for children to explore at home. It is packed with quizzes, magical craft videos, puzzles, fun articles and special activity packs.

ENGLISH  (not secure) Here you will find a selection of images, each with suggested ideas for vocabulary and discussion work, along with possible story starters. – phonics Here you will find a wide variety of visual stimuli from animated shorts to interesting images, along with suggested ideas to extend learning This website uses short stories as a stimulus for learning.   – Spelling and Grammar – Reading and Comprehension – writing 

Read, Write, Inc. daily phonics lessons:

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is also available on Audible to listen to as often as you like over the coming weeks for free:


The following websites provide some simple opportunities for children to stay active: try some yoga at home

BBC Super Movers –

Premier League Primary Stars –

Purple Mash

Click here for an information guide for parents on Purple Mash.

Click Here 

Friday 1 January 2021

INSET DAY Monday 4th January 2021

 The school will be closed today for Key Worker Children.