Friday 30 October 2020

Year 5 Remote Learning

Year 5 home learning is now available on the home screen of the school website under latest news :-

 Click Here

Your children need to login in to Purple Mash each day - work has been set here too.

Thursday 29 October 2020

***Year 5 isolation extended. Children to return on Friday 6th November ** NEW

 Date: 29/10/2020 YEAR 5

Dear parent or carer, 


We have today been made aware of another confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Year 5 at Wrotham Road Primary School.


Following official guidance, we have identified that your child would have been in close proximity contact with the affected adult.  Consequently, your child must extend their period of self-isolation and stay at home until Friday 6th November.


If your child is well at the end of this period of self-isolation, then they can return to school.

Advice for Child to Self-Isolate for 14 Days  


Dear parent or carer, 


We have been made aware that we have another  confirmed positive case of coronavirus (COVID-19) at Wrotham Road Primary School.


We have followed the national guidance and have identified that your child has been in close contact with the affected adult in Year 5. In line with the national guidance your child must stay at home and self-isolate and return to school on the 6th November.


If your child is well at the end of the 14 days period of self-isolation, then they can return to usual activities. 


Other members of your household can continue normal activities provided your child does not develop symptoms within the 14-day self-isolation period. 


Please see the link to: Guidance for contacts of people with confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection who do not live with the person


What to do if your child develops symptoms of COVID 19


If your child develops symptoms of COVID-19, they should remain at home for at least 10 days from the date when their symptoms appeared. Anyone with symptoms will be eligible for testing and this can be arranged via or by calling 119 . 

People who do not have symptoms should not request a test unless this has been specifically requested by Public Health England or the local authority.

All other household members who remain well must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days. This includes anyone in your ‘Support Bubble’.


The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in the house became ill.


Household members should not go to work, school or public areas and exercise should be taken within the home. If you require help with buying groceries, other shopping or picking up medication, or walking a dog, you should ask friends or family. Alternatively, you can order your shopping online and medication by phone or online.


Household members staying at home for 14 days will greatly reduce the overall amount of infection the household could pass on to others in the community


If you are able can, move any vulnerable individuals (such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions) out of your home, to stay with friends or family for the duration of the home isolation period


Please see the link to the PHE ‘Stay at Home’ Guidance:


Symptoms of COVID 19 


The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of:


·       new continuous cough and/or

·       high temperature and/or

·       a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)


For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.


If your child does develop symptoms, you can seek advice from the website at If you are concerned about your child’s symptoms, or they are worsening you can seek advice from NHS 111 at or by phoning 111.


How to stop COVID-19 spreading 


There are things you can do to help reduce the risk of you and anyone you live with getting ill with COVID-19



·       wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds 

·       use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available

·       wash your hands as soon as you get home

·       cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze

·       put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards


Further Information


Further information is available at



Yours sincerely

Mrs Sarah Jack





Monday 26 October 2020

Free School Meal Support Over Half Term

 Kent County Council launches helpline for free school meal vouchers following Marcus Rashford campaign

Food vouchers are available during the October school holidays if your child is eligible for free school meals.

Click link below on how to apply.

Friday 23 October 2020

Return to school Monday 2nd November

When we return on Monday 2nd November all parents or those designated to bring children to and from school should wear a mask or face covering while on the school site or waiting to enter the school site. It is vital that we all play our part in keeping everyone safe, to ensure we remain COVID free here at Wrotham Road Primary School.

Half Term

 The school will be closed for half term from 

26th October - 30th October.

All classes return to school on Monday 2nd November

FRIDAY UPDATE - The school remains open for the rest of the school. (Nursery, Year R, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6)

Dear Parents, 

We have been made aware of 4 members of our school community who have tested positive for COVID 19. 

We know that you may find this concerning but we are continuing to monitor the situation and are working closely with Public Health England. This letter is to inform you of the current situation and provide advice on how to support your child. Please be reassured that for most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.

The small number of children who have been in close contact with the individual who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) have received a letter informing them that their child must stay at home for 14 days. 

The school remains open and your child should continue to attend as normal if they remain well.

What to do if your child develops symptoms of COVID 19 


If your child develops symptoms of COVID-19, they must not come to school and should remain at home for at least 10 days from the date when their symptoms appeared. Anyone with symptoms will be eligible for testing and this can be arranged via or by calling 119.  


All other household members who remain well, must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days. This includes anyone in your ‘Support Bubble’.


Further information is available at:


The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in the house became ill.


Household members should not go to work, school or public areas and exercise should be taken within the home. 


If you require help with buying groceries, other shopping or picking up medication, or walking a dog, you should ask friends or family. Alternatively, you can order your shopping online and medication by phone or online.


Household members staying at home for 14 days will greatly reduce the overall amount of infection the household could pass on to others in the community


If you are able, move any vulnerable individuals (such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions) out of your home, to stay with friends or family for the duration of the home isolation period.




The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of:


·       a new continuous cough

·       a high temperature

·       a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)


For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.


If your child does develop symptoms, you can seek advice from the website at If you are concerned about your child’s symptoms, or they are worsening you can seek advice from NHS 111 at or by phoning 111.


How to stop COVID-19 spreading


There are things you can do to help reduce the risk of you and anyone you live with getting ill with COVID-19



·       wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds 

·       use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available

·       wash your hands as soon as you get home

·       cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze

·       put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards



Further Information

Further information is available at



Yours sincerely

Mrs Sarah Jack




On-line Learning for Year 3, 4 and 5

Online learning has been set via Purple Mash and X table Rock Stars. The battle of the bands has begun already in Year 3, 4 and !

Wednesday 21 October 2020

Reminders to parents

Please remember to maintain social distancing at all times while queuing or waiting on the school site. 


Please do not congregate on the school site, once you have collected all of your children, please exit the school site via the one way system. This also refers to congregating around the school gates, this must not happen as it impedes others safely accessing the school. 

Illness: Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell. Children should be absent for 48 hours after the last bout of vomiting or diarrhoea. 

If your child exhibits any of the Covid symptoms (persistent cough, temperature or lose of taste or smell) , please contact NHS 111 for advice book a test. Your child should not return to school until they are better and are in receipt of a negative test result. 

Monday 19 October 2020

Year 6 SCAF form

 Applications for 2021

Secondary school applications open 1 September 2020 and close at midnight on the evening of 2 November 2020.

Apply online

If you cannot apply online, please email

It's important to find out more about schools you're interested in before you apply.

This year Kent parents will be able to name up to 6 secondary school preferences, an increase from 4, to account for the fact that they will not know their child’s Kent Test result before applications need to be submitted on 2 November 2020.

For more information read our guide to secondary school applications (PDF, 1.2 MB).

If you apply online Kent will email you on 1 March 2021 after 4pm to tell you which school you have been offered. 

Friday 9 October 2020

Parent Consultations

 Dear Parents/Carers,

I am writing to let you know how we will be organising parent consultations (Parent’s Evenings) this year. These are scheduled for the weeks following half term.


As usual, this meeting is a chance for us to discuss how your child has settled into the new academic year, how much they have achieved and the next steps forward. This year, due to current restrictions in relation to health and safety concerns connected to the on-going coronavirus pandemic, these meetings will take the form of telephone conversations and the class teacher will call you. 


In order to make the booking of appointments easy and efficient for parents/ carers, we will be using the “Teacher 2 Parents” text service. Time slots will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Each appointment will last approximately 10 minutes. Each phase will have a different week for these consultations (see below). 


The booking system will go live on Monday 12th October and close on Monday 19th October. A text will be sent to you and you will need to book an appointment for each of your children with their class teacher.  If you have any problems, please make the class teacher aware of this when you collect your child at the end of the day.


We hope you can prioritise this event; it is an important opportunity for your child’s teachers to discuss his/her progress with you. 


Most importantly, please ensure the school office has your up to date mobile number so that the text service can contact you.


Year 3 and Year 4  (3.45- 6pm each day)

Year 5 and Year 6 (3.45- 6pm each day)

Monday 9th November 

Monday 23rd November 

Tuesday 10th November

Tuesday 24th November

Wednesday 11th November

Wednesday 25th November



Year 1 and Year 2 (3.45- 6pm each day)

Reception and Nursery (3.45- 6pm each day)

Monday 16th November 

Monday 30th November

Tuesday 17th November

Tuesday 1st December

Wednesday 18th November

Wednesday 2nd December


SEND – Mrs Catlow 

Tuesday 10th of November 9.15-1pm

Tuesday 17th November 9.15-1pm

Tuesday 24th November 9.15-1pm 

Tuesday 1st December 9.15-1pm.