Friday, 11 November 2022

Remembrance Day

Reception celebrated Remembrance Day by watching the CBeebies Poppies film to help them understand the 2-minute silence.

This afternoon they coloured poppies to make a Reception Wreath which is hanging in the playground.They also used tear art to make Poppy pictures of Flanders Field.

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Christmas Dates

 Christmas Performances 

(AM- 10 am       PM - 2.30pm) 

Thursday 8th Dec - Year 6 AM and Year 5 PM

Friday 9th Dec - Year 3 AM and Year 4  PM

Monday 12th Dec- Year 1 AM and Year 2  PM 

Wednesday 14th Dec Reception  AM  

15th December- Christmas jumper day and Panto 

Break up 16th Dec 1.30pm

Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Gurdwara Visit

WOW! What an amazing trip. The children walked to the local Gurdwara for an RE experience, based on the religion of Sikhism. They learned how the word 'guru' symbolises teacher and that 'Sikh' translates to learner. They were very impressed by the community spirit.  

Saturday, 5 November 2022


Nursery have spent the week learning all about Guy Fawkes and the celebration of Bonfire night. We spent some time making our own Guy and went around the school asking classes for a 'Penny for the Guy'. We also had a go launching our own rocket when we were outside, we counted down and shouted "bang!" when it went into the air. 

Friday, 4 November 2022

Roots To Food Workshop

Darren from Roots to Food has been in school this morning educating KS2 on the importance of having a healthy balanced diet. Together with the children, he has designed two delicious menus and cooked them with a group of children during his show. Why not give them a try yourselves at home?

E- Safety For Parents


IPC Displays

Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Year 2- IPC

Today the children had their entry point for ‘Time Travellers’. Children enjoyed dressing up as people of the past. The children took part in an investigation to find the missing coffee mug! After, they did a catwalk, where the teacher read three facts about them, and the children had to guess who they were.  

Friday - Roots To Food Workshop


Year 5 and 6 Parents

Year 1 IPC

Year 1 Entry Point for 'A Day in the Life' 

The children dressed up as someone they wanted to be when they are older. 

The children made identification cards and spoke about who they were and what they do. 

Finally, they had some free time to role play their roles with their friends.

Musician of the month


Friday, 21 October 2022


 Have a wonderful half term break.

 We return on Tuesday 1st November

Monday 31st October - school closed INSET DAY

Year 1 - IPC

The Year 1’s went to Shorne Country Park to learn about habitats this week. They were able to explore different habitats to see what creatures lived there. 

Harvest and Diwali Celebration