Friday, 28 February 2020

X Table Rock Stars- Outstanding Performers

Olivia in Year 5 for becoming an Unsigned Act
Sehaj in Year 6 for becoming a Headliner
Lucia in Year 6 for becoming a Rock Legend
Jaiveer in Year 5 for becoming a Rock Legend
Ekam in Year 3 for becoming a Rock Hero
Martyna in Year 4 for becoming a Rock Hero
Zachary Year 3 in Year for becoming a Rock Hero
Rajan in Year 4 for becoming a Rock Hero

KS2 Star Mathematicians! 
Karin in Year 4 has really stood out for always putting in her best effort and using a range of methods within her journal. 

Francesca in Year 6 has also used a range of methods to prove her answers and developed her reasoning skills within her journal! She also has a fantastic attitude towards her learning within all maths lessons. 

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Star Writer in Year 5K

Star writer this week goes to Max! A great writing style with a range of techniques used.

E-Safety Advice For Parents - Hidden Photo Apps

Year 3- IPC

This afternoon Year 3 have been investigating whether we can change a liquid (cream) to a solid (butter) by shaking it. The children learnt that cream is made up of molecules of fat surrounded by water. When they shook the cream, the fat molecules started to clump together in a lump. They then separate from the liquid leaving behind butter.


Costume Sale
PTA Pre-loved Costume Sale

27th Feb after school
in the Canteen

Costumes: £2
Accessories start from 50p

World Book day is next Thursday 5th March
*Please donate any unwanted costumes*

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Year 3- Entry Point

For our entry point for our topic 'Shake It!', Year 3 acted out different states of matter - solids, liquids and gases

Recycle Toy Sale!

Year 2- IPC Entry Point

Today we started our new topic - Push Me, Pull You - all about forces. We explored push and pull forces while playing tug-of-war! 

Year 4- IPC Entry Point Land,Sea and Sky

This term Year 4 are looking at Land, Sea and Sky. Today we got the chance to look at a real life habitat in our very own garden, the pond! We went pond dipping to find out what animals and plant life we could find in this water habitat. Luckily we managed to find, frog spawn, tadpoles, water worms and lots more! 


World Book Day Menu

Year 6- IPC Entry Point

On Monday Year 6 came to school dressed as 'Humans of the Future'. This formed part of our IPC entry point. Pupils presented to the class why they had come to school dressed in a certain way and explained how they thought humans might evolve.

Monday, 24 February 2020

Year 1 - IPC It's Shocking



Time Travellers Exit Point Year 2

Here are some pictures from our exit point.  We dressed up as significant historical figures and took part in a people of the past catwalk show.

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Welcome Back To A New Term

We return to school on Monday 24th February

Dates for your diary this term:-

Monday 24th February - Year 2 Assembly 3pm
Wednesday 26th February- Year 4 Assembly 3pm
Friday 28th February - Class and Group Photos
Thursday 5th March- World Book Day
Monday 9th March- Friday 13th March- Science Week
Tuesday 17th March- Parent book look 3.30-4pm (classroom)
Friday 20th March - Year 1Assembly 3pm
Monday 23rd March - Parents Evening
Tuesday 24th March- Parents Evening

1st April 1.30pm

Be Kind Online!

This week we want to promote the message of just ‘being kind online’ with a reminder towards how we can develop a more empathetic side and be a more responsible online consumer.

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Year 3 IPC

This afternoon as the final part of our topic, we were looking at how islands have been homes and inspiration for great artists and architects across the world and throughout time. As a class we decided to look closer at the Statues on Easter Island. The children then recreated the statues in their sketch books.