Friday, 1 February 2019

Number Day Year 2

Here are some photos of 2D measuring their body parts for number day earlier on today.



Number Day Year 1

Year 1 have had a great day! We completed a dice investigation, we had to find the smallest and largest totals by rolling 2 or 3 dice and adding the numbers together. We also made 2D and 3D shapes using spaghetti and marshmallows, we had a lot of fun!


Some photos of 2D’s yummy pizzas that they made this afternoon.

Friday 1st February

The school is open.

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Online Safety

Kent School Closure Alert

Register with the Kent Closures Website

To receive notifications, you should register for alerts.

Visit click the ‘Register for Alerts’ button on the left side of the screen.
Fill in your
·     first name
·     surname
·     house number
·     postcode
·     email address
·     password
·     re-type password

Then click register

Wednesday 30th Jan

The school is open.

Monday, 28 January 2019

Severe Weather Arrangements

If we do experience severe snow / ice resulting in hazardous conditions, we may have to take the decision to close the school.

        You can find the information you need from the following sources:
  • Text received from the school office and the school blog
  • Kent Closure Website
  • Kent Radio

    Please do not telephone the school, as the phone lines may be needed.

    Even if the school is open, you may decide at the start of the day that the journey into school is not safe for your daughter / son. 

    Please can you phone the school to report the absence in the usual way.

    The school will always remain open whenever possible. We will only close on health and safety grounds, e.g. no heating, no running water, insufficient staff to supervise the students or if the site is not safe.

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Year 5

This morning Bess and a few Year 5s tried their hands/paws at agility. They all had a fabulous time! 




Friday, 18 January 2019

Enrichment Friday - Year 2 - Making Fruit Salad



Enrichment Friday - Year 4 Cyclopark


Enrichment Friday - Year 6

Lego control using 'We Do'


Enrichment Friday - Year 5

Here are some photos of Year 5 Art enrichment. They are copying historical paintings of British monarchs using a grid method which breaks the drawing up into bite size pieces.

Thursday, 17 January 2019

Year 1 - Computing

Year 1 used 2 paint on Purple Mash to create portraits of themselves in their favourite outfits!

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Happy New Year

Welcome back to a new school term!
I hope every one of our children and all our families had a wonderful Christmas and that 2019 has started off well.