Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Meet The Teacher

We will be holding our “Meet the Teacher sessions” over the next few weeks; in the pupils new classrooms. This will layout what will be covered over the next term and also inform you about the new IPC topics they will be covering. 

Year 2 -Monday 10thSeptember at 3.30pm
Year 1 -Tuesday 11thSeptember at 3.30pm 
Year 4 -Wednesday 12thSeptember at 3.30pm
Year 5- Thursday 13thSeptember at 3.30pm
Reception –Friday 14thSeptember at 11.30 in the school Hall
Year 6- Friday 14thSeptember at 3.30pm
Year 3- Monday 17thSeptember at 3.30pm

Saturday, 28 July 2018

Term dates for next academic year (2018-2019)

Term 1
3rd September – 19 October
Term 2
29 October - 19 December (finish at 1.30pm)
Term 3
3rd January – 14 February
Term 4
25th February – 5th April (finish at 1.30pm)
Term 5
23rd April – 24th May
Term 6
11th June - 25th July (finish at 1.30pm)

INSET days
30th August and 
31st August 
15th February 
10th June 

Friday, 20 July 2018

Last Day

Tuesday- Last day of term. We will be finishing at normal time. (No after school provision is available)

Spanish Day

Monday, 16 July 2018

Spanish Day Is This Friday

Children will be encouraged to come to school wearing the red and yellow of the Spanish flag or Spanish clothing including Spanish football kits, however, we would appreciate it if children avoided wearing English football kits on this occasion. 

We also have flamenco workshops for all pupils in the school where they will be introduced to the history of this art form, before giving a live demonstration.  The children will then have the opportunity to listen to flamenco instruments and become familiar with the accessories they use.  They will find out about rhythm, co-ordination, basic posture, arm and feet movements and also learn some basic Spanish.

The cost of the day will be £2 per child

Year 4 Zoo trip

Friday, 13 July 2018

Monday, 25 June 2018

Year 6 Non Residential

We had a fab day, forest school began with building water proof dens, we used logs, plastic sheeting and bracken .

We were taught how to light fires, toasted marshmallows and made s’mores!
After we tested how waterproof our dens were! We all got wet! 
Picnic in the shade and a play in the park!