Monday 24 August 2020

****IMPORTANT INFORMATION BELOW*** First Day Back Information for Parents Tuesday 1st September

Avoid driving to and parking close to school, particularly Sheppy Place.   

The access points to school are narrow and close to traffic. Whilst we have done our best to reduce numbers, there will still be a high volume of children at all gates.

Don’t be late! Bubbles will open and close promptly for health and safeguarding reasons. Multiple year groups will be using the same playground. We have been directed to keep these groups apart. If you have more than one child, arrive at the earliest time.

One parent will enter the school site, via the designated gate, to drop off /pick up each day. This is to comply with government directives regarding social gatherings.

Don't hang around. As difficult as it is, we need to clear the site of adults as quick as possible to ensure bubbles remain as isolated as possible whilst on the school site

Packed lunches will stay with the children; they will take them to their classroom. All packed lunches will be eaten in classrooms to reduce the number of children using the canteen.

School dinners are back The menu is available on the school website - or see the information below. Daily cost is £2.30 

Water bottles should be brought in by every child – there are no water fountains available. 

Think about not bringing a bag; each child will keep bags and coats in the classroom. Your child will be provided with all the equipment they need. PE will be done in school uniforms.

Wear trainers / or school shoes but... it will be an active school day. There will be an outside break in both the morning and afternoon sessions as well as lunch break and regular PE.

The school office is closed to those who have not made an appointment via email/ phone. Facemasks will not be worn in school. We have adopted a number of measures from regular cleaning to class bubbles to the arrangement of furniture to reduce risk. If you feel there is a risk your child may be displaying symptoms, DO NOT SEND THEM TO SCHOOL.


Breakfast and Afterschool Club is available to limited numbers. You must book.

Please fill out the relevant form below and send to the school office:

Payment needs to be received via ParentPay before you child can attend.


Breakfast Club:


Afterschool Club:



Friday 14 August 2020

**New School Dinner Menu**

Click here for the new school dinner menu. 
Cost has increased to £2.30 per meal.
£11.50 for the week 

If you wish your child to have school dinners please pay in advance and put the money in an envelope with your child's name and class on the front. 
Do not take to the office please give to your child to hand to their class teacher.

Thursday 23 July 2020

11+ Parents Information - Year 5 Parents

The Cabinet Member for Education and Skills today approved plans to delay the Kent Test by around one month as a result of the impact of Covid-19 on schools and pupils. The test will now take place on 15 October for pupils who attend a Kent school and 17 October for all other students. Kent parents will also be offered two additional preferences on their child’s Secondary school application this year, an increase from four to six, to account for the later release of Kent Test results.

This is still subject to change and you will need to keep an eye on the KCC website for updates. 

Parent Q and A from Kent

 Why test at all? Why not use school recommendations and existing evidence?

We need a way of assessing nearly 17,000 children who have registered, wherever they are at school,  or even if they are not in a school. If everyone takes the same set of tests, it provides consistent, up-to-date information which can be processed quite quickly. 

All Kent’s grammar schools use results from the Kent Test. Some of them have published admission criteria which use aggregated test scores to prioritise candidates for admission, so the transfer process will run more smoothly if everyone has a set of test scores.

If we can’t test children because of national or local lockdown in October, we will have to use a different method, but the practical difficulties mean it is something we hope to avoid.

Why delay the Kent Test?

We think that schools and their pupils will find it easier to settle back in the new school year if they are not required to deal with the Kent Test as soon as they return. Schools and test centres will have time to establish routines which respect Covid safety, and children can get used to being back in the classroom and start to catch up on work they have missed. Most of our schools have welcomed the delay.

Couldn’t you test in September as usual?

Following the disruption of classroom teaching since March, we felt that an October date was in the interests of children and schools this year. With so many children taking part, we also felt delays and restrictions related to Covid-19 meant testing in early September and getting the results out in mid-October as usual would not be practicable.  

Why delay only by a month? Why not test much later?

The government sets the national timetable for the secondary admissions process, so that all Local Authorities can share information to make sure that every Year 6 child can be offered a school place at the beginning of March. If Kent tests too late, this process will be put at risk, because grammar schools will not know who they can offer places to. We also want to avoid testing in colder weather.

Why can’t Kent set a later closing date for applying to secondary schools, so that parents have the 11+ results before they name their preferred schools?

The government sets the 31 October closing date for the Secondary Common Application Form (SCAF) and has not given us permission to change it. Instead, we have increased the number of preferences you can name on the SCAF, which means naming schools before you have the results is less of a problem.

How will more preferences on the SCAF help?

Two more preferences will allow you to name grammar schools and other types of school without disadvantage. Every Local Authority must operate an “Equal Preference” system, and schools do not know where you have put them on your list. If the school you name first can’t offer a place, it doesn’t make it less likely that you will get a school lower down the list, because each school must consider everyone who has applied. If you name grammar schools at the top of your SCAF and your child does not qualify for grammar school, your other preferences will be used. If more than one school can offer a place, the Council will use your SCAF to make sure that it offers whichever one  you ranked highest, so make sure you put the schools you want in your true order of preference, and we will make you the best offer we can.

Still not sure six preferences will work? Try this experiment…

Think which four schools you might have put on the SCAF once you knew the 11+ results. Maybe all non-selective schools, or all grammar schools, or a mixture of both.

If you put those same four schools at the top of the SCAF, this year you will still have two spaces left. All your applications will be considered fairly. 

Depending on where you live, and how confident you are that your child will be assessed suitable for grammar school, you could name as many as four grammar schools and still have space for two non-selective schools – or you could name two grammar schools and four non-selective schools, or three of each. Remember that the Council will use the order you put them in to make you the best offer it can. 


Wednesday 22 July 2020

Happy Holiday!

Have a wonderful summer break! We look forward to welcoming you back on the 1st September.


Saturday 18 July 2020

Dear Parent/Carers,

As yet another school year comes to a close under very exceptional circumstances, I am writing to thank you for your loyalty, support and encouragement over these very difficult few months. I would also like to thank all the staff of the school for being so flexible in adapting so quickly to support me with the running of the school in such an uncertain situation.

At the end of this term we will be saying a fond farewell to Mrs Smith (Reception) and Miss Downes (Y3). Both have worked at the school for a many number of years and have a significant impact on life at Wrotham Road School in their time with us. I also want to thank Miss Brady, one of our Year 4 TA’s, who will also be leaving us at the end of this term. I wish them all well in their future careers.   


New Classes for September 2020:




Mr Nouri


RB: Mrs Bhathal

RS: Mrs Shaxted & Mrs Strevens

Year 1

1M: RBH go to Miss McIntosh

1CT: RBS go to Mrs Chappell & Mrs Taffs

Year 2

2S: 1CT go to Miss Stone

2B: 1S go to Miss Butt


Year 3

3F: 2E go to Mrs Foord

3A: 2M go to Miss Anwar

Year 4

4T: 3F go to Miss Tan

4E: 3D go to Mrs Evans


Year 5

5A: 4S go to Mr Alderson

5S: 4A go to Miss Stenson

Year 6

6K: 5S go to Miss Karim

6S: 5K go to Mr Smith


This year, in order to support the return to school life, pupils will stay in their present class groupings as they move up. 


Leadership Structure for September 


Deputy Headteacher - Mr Bennett

EYFS Leader – Mrs Bhathal

SEND & Inclusion Leader - Mrs Catlow

Phase Leader Year 1/2 – Miss Butt


Phase Leader Year 3/4 – Mrs Evans


Phase Leader Year 5/6 – Mr Smith


We will break up on Wednesday 22nd July. Please note the change of date.

Sadly, we did not get the opportunity to say any sort of traditional farewell to our Year 6 pupils; we know that they will all achieve great success as they move on to secondary school. We all wish them luck and hopefully we will see them all again in the not too distant future.

All that remains is for me to wish you all a wonderful summer. Enjoy the break and see you all in September.



NEW Staggered Arrival and Departure Times:

The government has directed us to ensure that adults do not gather on our site. In order to comply with this, we are staggering our arrival and departure times and using as many access points as we can.

Access Points:

Nursery pupils will arrive/depart by the front Office gate and go to Nursery gate

Reception pupils will arrive/depart by the new front Reception gate and go to Front playground.

Year 1, Y2 and Y3 pupils will arrive/depart by the front Office gate and go to Middle playground.

Year 4, Y5 and Y6 pupils will arrive/depart by the back Sheppy Place gate and go to Top playground.

On arriving at their school playground, apart from Reception children, pupils will have immediate access to their class rooms, there will be NO lining-up. Staff will be at all gates and in all playgrounds to guide your child and support social distancing. 


Arrival and Departure Times:

Nursery: (AM) Drop off 8.30 - 8.45. Pick up 11.30.  (PM) Drop off 12.45 - 1.00. Pick up 3.45 

ReceptionDrop off 8.45 - 9.00. Pick up 3.00 - 3.15 – Front playground (via front Reception gate).

Year 1Drop off 9.00 - 9.15. Pick up 3.30 – Middle playground (via front Office gate).

Year 2Drop off 8.45 - 9.00. Pick up 3.15 – Middle playground (via front Office gate).

Year 3: Drop off 8.30 - 8.45. Pick up 3.00 – Middle playground (via front Office gate).

Year 4: Drop off 9.00 - 9.15. Pick up 3.30 – Top playground (via back Sheppy Place gate).

Year 5: Drop off 8.45 - 9.00. Pick up 3.15 – Top playground (via back Sheppy Place gate).

Year 6: Drop off 8.30 - 8.45. Pick up 3.00 – Top playground (via back Sheppy Place gate).

If you have more than one child at school, please drop off the youngest child and your older children will be allowed to walk through the school site to access their entrance. Only one adult per family is permitted on site.

Parking in Sheppy Place: Please avoid driving into this very narrow street directly behind the school, as there will be an increase in the number of pedestrians in this area. It is a resident only parking area.

As you can imagine, the logistics behind all of the above is mind-boggling and there are bound to be teething problems. Our prime concerns are the safeguarding of our children and the health of our community. I am sure you will be patient.

Packed lunches: These will no longer be kept in the canteen. Your child will take it with them into the classroom.

More detailed information will be provided on the blog a few weeks before the first day of term. 

Please ensure the school office have any new contacts details for you so we can inform you via text of any updates (01474 534540)

Kind regards,

Mrs Sarah Jack

  Reception 2019

 On your first day, you were so small

But you put on your brave boots and stepped into school. 


You travelled to space and found buried treasure

Had outdoor fun, in windy and rainy weather


And then Lockdown came, you sailed on through 

Always trying your best - I’m so proud of you


From writing, to counting, painting and more

You can do anything and that is for sure


Sadly I won’t be there to see you along the way 

But know that I will be thinking of you all each day.


After 14 years and many memories made

It’s time to move schools but the memories won’t fade


Thank you Reception, I have had so much fun

It’s now time to sparkle and shine in Year 1!


From Mrs Smith 

Dear Class 3D,


It fills me with great sadness to tell you that I am leaving Wrotham Road Primary School at the end of this year. I wanted to write to you, as I won’t get chance to say goodbye properly before the Summer.


I taught some of you in Year 2, and some of you have been new faces for me this year. I have really enjoyed teaching each and every one of you and will miss you all very much. You are funny, intelligent, talented, kind young people who I truly believe have the potential to do so well. You all work hard, you persevere when things don’t go your way the first time and you are incredibly resilient when things get tough. I’ve also enjoyed the laughs we’ve had during our time together. I like the jokes you tell me, I like the cheekiness that you put into your writing, and I love that you each have your own personalities.


As for me, I’ll be moving to the brand new St. George’s Primary School just down the road, near Woodlands Park. I’ll be teaching Year 1 which I’m incredibly excited about but very nervous! I’m looking forward to the new challenges and opportunities that will come my way.


For now, though, it’s a goodbye from me. I hope to see you all very soon for a proper goodbye and a cuddle! I hope you’ve all been staying safe and healthy during the pandemic and that you have a wonderful Summer break.


Best Wishes,

Miss Downes  

Thursday 16 July 2020

Last Day Of Term

We will close for the Summer on Wednesday 22nd July at normal collection time. 

Tuesday 14 July 2020

Booked - Year 2, 3 and 4 Information

Year 4: Wednesday 15th July - 10am to 12pm

Year 3: Thursday 16th July - 10am to 12pm

Year 2: Friday 17th July - 10am to 12pm

As you can imagine a lot of organising has had to go into this and we will only be able to offer the day and time allocated if you responded “YES” on the register on Monday 13th July.


- Children should be dropped off and picked up via the back gate. (One parent to drop off and pick up)


- Please be on time and do not be late and this will affect the rest of the school’s timetable


- Wait on the Year 5 and 6 playground and please follow social distancing rules


- School uniform is not required


- No school bags or food please


- Children should bring a water bottle as there will be no other way of providing water.


Friday 10 July 2020

Summer Holiday

Some of you may be travelling abroad over the summer holidays. It is really important that you understand quarantine procedures for each individual country and that you book any trips with this in mind so that pupils are ready for school on 1st September. If you have already booked a trip that will require quarantine beyond 1st September please make the school aware as soon as possible. Many thanks.

Wednesday 8 July 2020

Online Counselling and Support

MindFresh is an App and a website designed to meet the growing need for better communication and support in children and young mental and emotional healthcare. - The heart of Big White Wall is its community of members, who support, help each other and share what’s troubling them in a safe and anonymous environment. The site is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You can find support simply by logging on.
Elefriends is a mental health social network, managed by mind. It aims to provide a supportive online community for people aged 18 and over to chat about their lives, including any mental health problems, and just to be themselves
Kooth offers emotional and mental health support to 11-19 year olds (or 25 with SEND). Young people choose an avatar and can have 'drop in' chats with a counsellor or therapist, book a 1:1 session, or talk to other young people anonymously
Mind provides advice, support and information on an extensive set of topics from sleep problems to suicidal thoughts.
The Mix provides support and information for the under 25’s on a range of topics including, mental health, substances, your body, relationships and others. Also has a free phone number: 0808 808 4994; and a Crisis Messenger service.
Samaritans is a charity dedicated to reducing feelings of isolation and disconnection that can lead to suicide. You can call Samaritans free on 116 123 from any phone, 24hrs a day, 365days a year. You can also email - someone will reply within 24hrs.
Live Well offers advice for improving mental and physical wellbeing for those aged 17+. Provides useful contact numbers if you are in emotional distress and require urgent support.

Childline is a counselling service for children and young people up to their 19th birthday in the United Kingdom provided by the NSPCC. Get help and advice about a wide range of issues, talk to a counsellor online, call us on 0800 1111, send Childline an email, or post on the message boards

Work Booklets For Parents

White Rose Maths is excited to have produced a range of work booklets for parents and children to use over the summer or during next year. These booklets can be found on Amazon for the Kindle or downloaded below.  There is one booklet for each of our blocks for Y1 to Y6.

Tuesday 7 July 2020

Letter from the Chair of Governors

Dear Parents and Carers,


As we come to the end of the summer term, the governors and I have reflected on what has happened over the course of the year. We held our final virtual Local Governing Body meeting for 2019/2020 on Wednesday last week, and discussed what has occurred in this school year and the plans for the future. 


As I’m sure you will all agree, this year has been very different to others. I would like to thank you all for looking after the most valuable members of our school community - the children. I know it can be very hard to be in each others pockets all the time, whether you are a keyworker or have been working at home whilst caring for your families and helping your children with home learning. Your support has not gone unnoticed.


My heartfelt thanks goes to Mrs. Jack and the fantastic staff at Wrotham Road who have been absolutely amazing in their dedication and commitment to the children and the school. Although our school ‘shut’ in March, it has never been completely closed with provision being made initially for our most vulnerable children and the children of keyworkers. The staff have been working tirelessly since then supporting the children, parents and families both at home and in school. They have been integral in implementing the governments rapidly changing guidance and advice, while supporting families who have been overwhelmed by the changes in society in such a short period of time. The positive impact of this support was evident as the school welcomed back children in Nursery and Years R, 1 and 6. It has been wonderful to hear how well the children have adapted to the ‘new normal’. The measures put in place to keep you, the children and staff safe are robust, and have taken a great deal of planning and preparation by Mrs. Jack and Senior Leadership Team. It might surprise you to learn that the schools do not get advanced notice of government announcements, however, the staff at Wrotham Road have worked tirelessly to continually modify their plans in light of these announcements. 


I would also like to thank my fellow Governors for their help, support and willingness to work in this new way of Governance.


Moving into the new school year, we will continue to support the school in adapting to the guidance issued by the government and ensuring that we as governors fulfil our duties. We will work with an emphasis on supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of the children, families and staff in the next school year.


I hope you all have a wonderful summer. 

Kind regards,


Lucy Hornby

Chair of Governors

Monday 6 July 2020

Breakfast and Afterschool Club Next Academic Year- Sept 2020

In September we intend to re-open Breakfast and Afterschool Clubs. 


The pupils will be zoned depending on what Key Stage they are in but if you intend to send your child in, you need to be aware that they will be mixing with other year groups from different bubbles.


Prices have had to slightly increase next academic year.


Breakfast Club- 7.55am start- £3 per session (£15 week) 


Afterschool Club (half session 4.30pm pick up) £5.50

                             (full session 6pm pick up) £11.50


If you would like your child to attend please complete the attached form and send back to the school office

Breakfast Club Form

Afterschool Club Form


New forms will need to be completed if you previous attended last year.


Please ensure you have updated any changes to medical, dietary or collection arrangements with the club manager.


Payment will need to be in advance via ParentPay.



Please be aware that spaces are limited within all clubs, however waiting lists are kept and we will need 24hrs notice for your child to attend. 


For further information on any of our services please do not hesitate to call or email the school office 01474534540.



Thursday 25 June 2020

Free School Meals

Free School Meals Entitlement

If your circumstances have changed e.g. you have been furloughed, are no longer employed or you are currently receiving certain benefits, we would encourage you to make a quick application for free school meal vouchers as you could be eligible for this financial support. 

Even if your child is not attending school this term, if eligible you will be entitled to £15 supermarket vouchers every week and will be provided throughout the Summer holidays as well.

Registering is really quick and easy–you can apply on the Kent County Council website at and get an immediate answer. 

No one will know you have registered and it will not affect any other benefits you are claiming.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Year 5 Hub Registration

The Year 5 Hub registration is now closed and parents will be no longer be able to be added.

Change to last day of term.

Our last day of term will now be Wednesday 22nd July.

Monday 22 June 2020

Deadline Date

The deadline date for you to decide if you want your child to return to school (if your child is in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 or Year 6) is Friday 3rd July 9am.

Thursday 18 June 2020

Assemblies- Oak National Academy

This week we're incredibly excited to be joined by The Duchess of Cambridge, who wants to share the importance of spreading a little kindness for our mental wellbeing. This assembly is based on a lesson plan which is available on the Mentally Healthy Schools Platform. It was developed in collaboration with children’s mental health charity Place2Be and encourages children to explore ways in which they can show kindness, and recognise the benefits of kindness to others.

Tuesday 16 June 2020

What a lovely first day. It was so nice to see the children back into school today. Each 'Hub' took advantage of using the outside areas at much as possible.

Monday 15 June 2020

Unsure Return Question - Nursery, Year R, Year 1 and Year 6

 I have said I don’t want my child to return to school, what if I change my mind? 
The school is now ready to welcome back those children whose parents have confirmed that they will be attending on Monday 15th June.
If you have chosen not to send your child in and then at some point change your mind, the earliest they will be able to attend is Monday  22nd June.
As you can appreciate, we hold our pupil’s safety as our key priority and we need to group them in stable and secure ‘bubbles’. An increase in numbers will mean a possible rearrangement of these social bubbles and this will take time. 

Please ring the school if you wish your child to return and please do not expect a return date earlier than the following Monday. 
01474 534540

New Home Learning Is Now Available!

15th June Home Learning is now available on the school website.

Friday 12 June 2020

Returning on the 15th June for Year N, R, 1 and 6 ONLY

Arrive by the correct gate- see guidance below

To drop off and  pick up from the correct playground 

Only one adult to be allowed on site to drop off their pupil

Every child to bring in their own water bottle as there will be no access to a water fountain at break break-times

Keep at a safe social distance for all parents and pupils

Do not hang around on the playground once dropped off, please leave the site immediately

Packed lunch for all pupils, which they will keep with them at all times. School packed meals can be ordered but you will need to order through the school office (see below post for more details)

Please do not be late dropping off or pick up as this will have an affect on the routines of the other key hubs within the school which will be arriving at different times.

Do not come to the school office - it will be closed for all adults. If you have any question please ring the school or send an email. 01474534540   

Please follow these clear guidelines to keep the school staff and pupils safe during this phased re-opening