Monday, 24 March 2025

PTA Events

Mother's Day - Sunday 30th March

Come and get your presents here!

Easter Tuck Shop - Last Day Of Term

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Roots to Food

 Ready, Steady, Cook!

Today our children and staff were treated to a wonderful workshop all about healthy foods. In KS2 two teams, Green and Red, battled it out to create the best dish using healthy ingredients, in just 15 minutes! Miss McIntosh led the Red Team and Mr Smith led the Green Team. The Red Team created some delicious salmon pesto fish cakes, with salsa and pasta πŸ˜‹and the Green Team cooked a scrumptious, spicy chicken rogan josh with sultana riceπŸ˜‹

All of the KS2 children were able to vote on the best presentation and which one they would order in a restaurant - Red Team won the presentation vote and Green Team were the most popular choice on the menu. The decider though was when both meals were tasted by all of the KS2 staff and the winner (it was close!) was the Red Team! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

This afternoon our KS1 children learned about being healthy and giving their bodies the fuel they need to have the energy they need for learning and exercising. They were given some freshly made banana smoothies (oat milk for those who couldn't have cow's milk!) an there was a competition to see which class in each year group had the most empty cups at the end. It was a close call but 1SB and 2B were the winners πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


All of the children had great fun and we are very grateful to Darren from 'Roots to Food' who ran the sessions.

Book Sale

Come and get your second hand books - only 50p each!

On World Book Day (Thursday 6th March) the PTA will be selling pre-loved books in the canteen after school. Please come along and grab yourselves some bargains and help raise money for the school.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Recycle to Raise Money!

Recycle your clothes and shoes to help Wrotham Road!

After half term we will have a charity recycling collection bin next to the Sunshine Hut (next to the top playground) where you will be able to put any unwanted clothes or shoes for recycling. The school will earn money from the donations you place in this bin and it will also support a very worthwhile children's charity, so rather than throwing old clothes or shoes in the rubbish please come and put them in our recycling bin instead!

Young Voices

Wrotham Road Singers

We have 15 children attending Young Voices at the O2 today - looks like they have great seats! πŸ‘πŸŽ΅πŸŽΆ

PTA Pre-Loved Uniform Sale

 Come and grab yourselves a bargain!

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Please join the PTA!!

Please come and join our PTA. 

We have so many great ideas being suggested, to help raise much needed funds for the school, which our children would absolutely love, but it won't be possible unless we get more parents/carers to help. If you would like to see events, such as discos, movie nights and festive fayres happening in the future then please come along to the next PTA meeting on Wednesday 29th January at 3.30pm. Thank you!

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Tombola donations


πŸŽ„πŸŽ…Non-Uniform day and Chocolate/Bottle TombolaπŸŽ…πŸŽ„

The PTA would like to invite all children to wear their own clothes on Friday the 6th of December. In exchange for this we are asking children to bring a donation for the Festive Fayre’s tombola.

We are asking that Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 bring some type of chocolate donation. For example small box/bag of chocolates, a chocolate reindeer, chocolate biscuits or a chocolate bar.

We are asking that Years 3,4,5 and 6 bring a bottle for donation for example a bottle of fizzy pop, squash, bubble bath, tomato sauce, or alcohol. These donations will then be available to win at our Festive Fayre tombola the next day.

The money the PTA raises through events like this and the Halloween disco is used to pay for DJs at the disco, books for star readers and the Christmas Panto to name a few. So we hope you be able to donate and support your schools PTA. The PTA are constantly working towards enriching your child's education and school experience. We also appreciate money is tight this time of year so any donation will be greatly appreciated

Come to our Festive Fayre!

Please come along on Saturday to support the PTA and help raise funds for the school!

Call recording


Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Christmas jumpers

Does your child have a Christmas jumper yet?

We will be inviting children to wear a Christmas jumper on Wednesday 11th December (the day of our school Christmas dinner) to raise money for Save the Children. We will be asking for a donation of Β£1, or whatever you can manage, which we will send to Save the Children. Some year groups might also be asking children to wear a Christmas jumper for their Christmas production, so it's worth getting organised now! Please see the poster below if you have any Christmas jumpers that you no longer need or want, which we can sell to other parents to make a little bit of money for the school. Thank you!


Lost Property

Please name your child's property!!!

I am shocked at the number of coats, cardigans, jumpers, scarves and hats that are not named! Children are not the best at looking after their things and staff in school do not have time to play detective and find out who each item belongs to so PLEASE NAME EVERYTHING! If you want it back, name it!

Saturday, 16 November 2024


ECO schools news

Our Eco schools team would really like your support! They are trying to reduce our carbon footprint but they need your help. Please scan the QR code below for ways you can reduce your carbon footprint. Thank you!


Thursday, 14 November 2024

Term 2 Menus

School dinner menus for Term 2:

Please note that our Christmas Dinner Day is on Wednesday 11th December - the only offer for that day will be Christmas dinner (with a vegetarian option). There will be no alternatives (pasta/jacket potatoes).

Monday, 11 November 2024

Welcome back!

Happy Term 2!

I hope you have all had a wonderful half term break. I'm sure many of you will have enjoyed fireworks for Diwali and Bonfire Night and I'm sure many of the children will have had some Halloween fun and stocked up on their supplies of sweets!

It's time now to get back into the routine of school and make sure there is lots of learning taking place, before we get too carried away with all of the festive fun that lies ahead! We love all of the festivities here at Wrotham Road but we will be making sure that the children are still being provided with a rich and engaging curriculum throughout the term, so please don't think this is the term to slack off and certainly don't assume that we won't be doing anything important so it's ok to take a few days off - this is absolutely not the case! Last term we came out top of the leader board for attendance in our Trust and we would like your help to maintain this in Term 2. 

Attendance is vital for learning and the odd day off here and there does have a huge negative impact, so unless your child is really poorly with a temperature, sickness or diarrhoea then they should be in school - coughs and colds are common at this time of year but aren't really a reason to stay home. 

Being on time for school is also really important - our start time is 8.55am and by this time children should be in their classrooms ready to start learning. The gates open at 8.40am so there is no excuse for being late!

We have lots of fun events coming up this term, starting with our Children in Need day this Friday (15th November) where we invite the children to come in wearing something spotty, yellow or Pudsey Bear related. We will collecting donations on the playgrounds in the morning so please send your child in with Β£1 if they wish to participate in this event.

The PTA will be holding a 'pre-loved uniform sale' on Monday 18th after school in the canteen - items will be sold from 50p upwards. Come and grab yourselves a bargain and help raise some money for the school!

Talking of raising money for the school, I'm afraid our budget is very very limited and exciting fun events, such as the astrodome and dhol drumming last term, cannot go ahead in future unless we have contributions from parents. Unfortunately, we had a shortfall of Β£162 for the astrodome which then needs to come out of our resources budget, meaning that our funds for buying the necessary pens, pencils, books, etc is chipped away at and later this year we may not have the money left to buy these things for your children. If you didn't pay your Β£2 contribution please do it now if you can - it doesn't matter that the event has passed. Without contributions we will have to make the sad decision to not book events like this in the future because we cannot keep making up the extra cost ourselves.

Many thanks for your support and have a wonderful week πŸ˜€

Monday, 30 September 2024

PTA Autumn/Halloween Disco

Come and join us at our PTA disco!

Please see details on the poster below, about our PTA disco, which is taking place on Friday 18th October. Please purchase tickets on Arbor.

KS1 will be from 4.30-5.30pm and KS2 from 6-7pm

Halloween costumes optional - no masks though please!


Friday, 27 September 2024

Foodbank donations

Harvest donations

On Friday 4th October we will be celebrating Harvest and as part of the celebrations we are asking for donations to the local foodbank to help families in need. Please see the poster and list below about how we can help. 
If you are able to send in a donation please send these in by Friday 4th October. Thank you!


Monday, 9 September 2024

Asda Rewards

Do you shop in Asda?

If you shop do, please download the App and scan each time you shop, to earn money for our school. It's really easy to use and we would be really grateful for the extra cash! Basically it's free money which can help our school provide more resources for your children.

Friday, 12 July 2024

Wrotham Road Champions

The Golden Games

Congratulations to our trophy winners at The Golden Games yesterday. We won eight trophies in total, including the Year 3 boys shot put, the Year 4 mixed relay, the Year 5 girls standing long jump, the Year 6 boys standing long jump and the Year 6 boys 300m. 

Our pupils all did us proud. Their behaviour was exemplary and they showed great sportsmanship and support for each other.

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Year 6 Residential Day 2 and 3

 Day 2

Wow what a day! This has to be the best yet hottest day so far. We have made sure that we are applying our sun cream hourly and hydrating ourselves. You may as well say that we are the king of the high ropes (3G Swing and High Equilibrium). In addition, we came together and sang around the campfire. Here, enjoy some pictures of our fun - we do miss home and school; we have made memories that will last a life time (including Miss Smith and Mr Bownas having a go!). 

Day 3

Yes, we were up for more challenges this morning despite a few giggles during the early hours of the morning. Getting up at 6:45am to clean our dorms to get ready to come back home! Today we participated in a β€˜Buggy Build’ as well as volleyball and orienteering. 

We look forward to seeing you all soon.