Monday 30 September 2024

PTA Autumn/Halloween Disco

Come and join us at our PTA disco!

Please see details on the poster below, about our PTA disco, which is taking place on Friday 18th October. Please purchase tickets on Arbor.

KS1 will be from 4.30-5.30pm and KS2 from 6-7pm

Halloween costumes optional - no masks though please!


Friday 27 September 2024

Foodbank donations

Harvest donations

On Friday 4th October we will be celebrating Harvest and as part of the celebrations we are asking for donations to the local foodbank to help families in need. Please see the poster and list below about how we can help. 
If you are able to send in a donation please send these in by Friday 4th October. Thank you!


Monday 9 September 2024

Asda Rewards

Do you shop in Asda?

If you shop do, please download the App and scan each time you shop, to earn money for our school. It's really easy to use and we would be really grateful for the extra cash! Basically it's free money which can help our school provide more resources for your children.

Friday 12 July 2024

Wrotham Road Champions

The Golden Games

Congratulations to our trophy winners at The Golden Games yesterday. We won eight trophies in total, including the Year 3 boys shot put, the Year 4 mixed relay, the Year 5 girls standing long jump, the Year 6 boys standing long jump and the Year 6 boys 300m. 

Our pupils all did us proud. Their behaviour was exemplary and they showed great sportsmanship and support for each other.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Year 6 Residential Day 2 and 3

 Day 2

Wow what a day! This has to be the best yet hottest day so far. We have made sure that we are applying our sun cream hourly and hydrating ourselves. You may as well say that we are the king of the high ropes (3G Swing and High Equilibrium). In addition, we came together and sang around the campfire. Here, enjoy some pictures of our fun - we do miss home and school; we have made memories that will last a life time (including Miss Smith and Mr Bownas having a go!). 

Day 3

Yes, we were up for more challenges this morning despite a few giggles during the early hours of the morning. Getting up at 6:45am to clean our dorms to get ready to come back home! Today we participated in a ‘Buggy Build’ as well as volleyball and orienteering. 

We look forward to seeing you all soon. 

Monday 24 June 2024

Year 6 Residential

 Today has been an amazing start to our Kingswood Residential 2024. After the coach had arrived we were in for a few games as well as a spot of fencing joined by glorious weather. Did you know that in fencing a mask is called a beard? Did you know that in fencing a sword is called a foil? 

Tonight we are in for a sing-a-long around the campfire. Lights out by 9:30! 
Miss Smith

Thursday 13 June 2024

Year 1/2 cricket competition

 The children absolutely loved representing Wrotham Road Primary at the cricket competition today and showed great sportsmanship. They worked really well as a team and worked on their strategy each round to increase their runs.

Friday 7 June 2024

Attendance stars!

 A great first week attendance-wise at Wrotham Road - we are normally much lower on the leader board so 3rd place is very impressive! Lets see if we can do even better next week and knock West Hill off the top spot!! 😉

Father's Day Stall


Please support our PTA by coming along with your children to purchase gifts for dads, grandads, uncles, or any other special people in your children's lives! We look forward to seeing you after school one day next week.

Monday 20 May 2024

NHS Mental Health Workshops

Captain Wonderweb and the Esteem Machine

Every year group, from Reception to Year 5, enjoyed participating in some NHS run shows/workshops today, focussing on mental health.

Year 5 enjoyed learning about the different strategies they can follow to support their positive mental health. They found the workshop both engaging and informative. The children learnt about the importance of using less technology before bedtime, eating a balanced diet, being active, developing healthy sleeping habits and speaking about their feelings.

Friday 17 May 2024

Year 6 SATs

 Last week one of our amazing Year 6 pupils wrote this fabulous poem about SATs:

We have done fractions, decimals, percentages and other math-like stuff, 
We have written many stories, diaries, letters and that has never stopped, 
We dumped a bucket of water over Miss Smith for Science which was incredibly fun, 
We went from space to ancient Maya in just over 8 months, 
We have learnt to always stay safe on the internet because that will never stop, 
We know that we are amazing and will succeed no matter what. 
Good luck Year 6 for next week. 

The Year 6s and the wonderful Year 6 team did a brilliant job this week. The children all stayed calm and focussed and absolutely did us all proud! Everyone now deserves to have a well earned rest this weekend and maybe one or two treats to say 'well done'!

Thursday 9 May 2024



Please, please, please help our wonderful PTA!

Since joining Wrotham Road I have had many conversations with some of our PTA members and I am now putting out a plea! 

The PTA needs more volunteers! They have lots of great ideas and I am really keen for us to have lots of great fund raising events to help provide more resources and wonderful events for the children. In the past schools could afford to take children on trips, bring in workshops and buy wonderful equipment, but this is no longer the case sadly. We rely, more and more, on the charitable donations from the PTA to bring enriching educational experiences to the school and make learning fun for the children. 

Please, please, please contact our PTA team if you can join them and get involved in organising/promoting events, arranging raffle prizes, running stalls, volunteering at discos, etc. Whatever you can do will be very much appreciated! We are hoping to bring back some of the bigger events, like a Christmas Fair, but this will only be possible if we have volunteers. As a parent I was a member of the PTA for seven years at my child's primary school and it was a lot of fun - why not give it a go?

Brilliant Club

The Year 5 children, who are part of The Brilliant Club have worked exceptionally hard this year to complete assignments about democracy in Britain. As a result of passing their assignments, we had a fantastic trip to the University of London for their graduation last Wednesday. They were given an insight into university life; they took part in a lecture, before having a tour of the campus, and they enjoyed celebrating their achievements as part of the graduation ceremony.

The Brilliant Club is a registered charity, supporting children  to develop their knowledge, skills and confidence to access university - it champions higher education within the community and addresses any barriers that children may face.

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Year 6 Leavers

Year 6 should have all brought home this letter last week, about their leavers' celebration. Please make sure you complete and return the slip a.s.a.p. Volunteers needed so please indicate when and how you can help! Thank you!


Monday 29 April 2024



What is your child's attendance like? 

Currently at Wrotham Road the whole school's attendance is below 95% which means there are a significant number of children who are not attending school enough. 😢

Please see the picture below to understand the impact having time off has on attendance.

Every time your child is off of school they are missing out on their education and repeated or prolonged absences will impact of how well they do in school. 😲

Holidays should not be taken in term time and children should not be kept home unless they really are too poorly to be in school - a cough or cold is not a reason to stay home!

Let's see if we can improve attendance and give our children the best chance at a great education! 😀

Friday 26 April 2024

Year 4 Nature Art!

This afternoon Year 4 have got creative with nature. No leaves were harmed in the making of this artwork!

Friday 19 April 2024

Curly's Farm visit

Year 4 trip to the farm

Some of our Year 4 children went to Curly's farm yesterday, for their first visit. I understand, from Mr Smith, that they all had a wonderful time and that the weather was very kind to them - how lucky after some of the cold days we have had this week! I think Mr Smith may have even come back with a bit of a sun tan!!

As well as meeting lots of very cute animals, the children were put to work, helping to muck out and feed the animals - great job Year 4!