Monday 14 December 2020

Last Day- Friday 18th December

 We will finish early (please collect from the usual playground)

Nursery Am– 11.30am Nursery PM– 2pm 

1pm - Year R, Year 3, Year 6

1.15pm- Year 2 and Year 5

1.30pm-  Year 1 and Year 4 

Christmas Jumper Day!

Friday 11 December 2020

COVID-19 Track and Trace

Dear Parents/Carers, 


You may have seen in the media that the Department for Education have given schools the opportunity to take a training day on Friday 18thDecember and end term on Thursday 17th December. 


The trust has decided that we will NOT be doing this. Our last day remains Friday 18th December. Children will still leave early from their normal gate. 


11.30am - Nursery AM

1pm - Year R, Year 3, Year 6

1.15pm - Year 2 and Year 5

1.30pm - Year 1 and Year 4 

2pm - Nursery PM


We return on Tuesday 5th January (closed on Monday 4th - INSET Day)


I will also be your Point of Contact for Track and Trace up to and including Christmas Eve. 

The guidance for contacting me from Saturday 19th December – Thursday 24th December are as follows:

·  Where a pupil or staff member tests positive for coronavirus (COVID-19), having developed symptoms more than 48 hours since being in school, the school should not be contacted. Parents and carers should follow contact tracing instructions provided by NHS Test and Trace.

·  For the first 6 days after teaching ends, if a pupil or staff member tests positive for coronavirus (COVID-19), having developed symptoms within 48 hours of being in school, the school is asked to assist in identifying close contacts and advising self-isolation, as the individual may have been infectious whilst in school.

What this means is if your child displays symptoms before Monday 21st December AND subsequently tests positive for COVID-19 you MUST contact the school via email on:-


finance   (in the subject line write “COVID-19 Positive”)


This will allow us to identify close contacts and inform the children who will need to isolate for 14 days from last known date of exposure. 


Thank you once again for your ongoing support and on behalf of everyone here at Wrotham Road Primary School, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and hopefully a very much-improved 2021!


Yours thankfully,

Mrs Sarah Jack 

Monday 7 December 2020

December Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,


I would once again like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your continued commitment, support and understanding with the strict Covid-19 safety measures we have put in place in school. These are strange and difficult times but we continue to try and make school as ‘normal’ and as welcoming as possible for our children, while maintaining strict Covid protocols. 


I am sure that you understand that every decision and action we take has a multitude of different factors and considerations behind them. I appreciate that some of these measures can be challenging to comply with but they have been very carefully planned to ensure the school follows government guidelines to remain Covid secure. 


There have been, over the last few weeks, many reports of Covid outbreaks in the local and wider community.  This is a timely reminder for us to stay vigilant and to strictly maintain our Covid safety measures to help our community remain safe and well and our school open. Again, thank you for your commitment and support with this. 


Parent consultations:

This week marks the end of four weeks of parents’ evenings. Thank you to all the parents and carers involved in the phone consultations. It was certainly different and the teachers have all commented on how much they enjoyed the chance to speak to you about your children’s progress. 


Warm clothing:

Government guidance remains that a well-ventilated room, with free-flowing air, minimises the spread of the Covid virus. Therefore, schools are advised that doors and windows should remain open to allow fresh air in. With this in mind, we would recommend that children wear an extra layer of clothing under their uniforms or bring a body warmer during these cold months. 



We are staging a promotional filming event next term - date to be confirmed. A virtual tour of the school will be created, along with photographs of the children and aerial of the school site. We will then release the video and images on our website. As you know, we have a policy in place regarding the taking, making and use of images and you will have previously signed a consent form stating whether your child could be photographed. If you have any concerns regarding this, please contact the school office.

Walk to School:

As part of our efforts to improve our children’s fitness and to also help the environment, we would like to encourage all our pupils to walk to school as much as they can. We understand that some people do have to drive due to the distance they live from school but we request that you park up away from the school gates and walk the final part of the journey. 


School drop off and pick up:

Now that the systems for dropping your children at school are working more smoothly and are more familiar to you, here are some reminders to make sure we are all playing our part in keeping everyone safe and the school open.  

·       Please use the correct gate (according to the Year group of your child) when entering the school grounds.

·       If there is a queue when you arrive, please give way to others to ensure social distancing is maintained. 

·       Wear a mask when on the school site or queuing, if you are able to do so. 


The vast majority of you are doing these things and we thank you. If you are not dropping or collecting your child, please inform the person responsible about the one-way system and the expectations above. 


School dinners: 

May we respectfully remind all parents that you should never accumulate arrears in your school dinner payment balance. School meals are charged at £2.30 per child per day. All payments should be made via our online portal


If you need any assistance with your account or your circumstances have changed recently and you feel you are eligible for Free School Meals, please email or call the school office.  Please do talk to us so that we can arrange an affordable payment plan. 


January return:

The school will be closed on Monday 4th January for an INSET day (staff training).  

Children will return on Tuesday 5th January.


Wishing you all a safe and relaxing Christmas break.


Mrs Sarah Jack


Christmas Jumper Day this Friday


Donate £1 to Save The Children

Tuesday 1 December 2020

Year 2 Phonics Screening Test

This week we have started the Phonics Screening Check with the children in Year 2. This is an assessment that the children usually take in the Summer Term of Year 1, but as they were not all in school, the government delayed it until this term. The results of the screening will be available for parents, as part of their school report. Well done to all of the children who have all their done their very best.

Adverse Weather

If we do experience severe snow / ice resulting in hazardous conditions, we may have to take the decision to close the school.

You can find the information you need from the following sources:

Text received from the school office to your phone 

Kent Radio 

• Kent Closure Website

Please do not telephone the school, as the phone lines may be needed.

Even if the school is open, you may decide at the start of the day that the journey

into school is not safe for your daughter / son. 

Please can you report your child absent via the school website link  Click here .

The school will always remain open whenever possible. We will only close on

health and safety grounds, e.g. no heating, no running water, insufficient staff to

supervise the students or if the site is not safe.

Monday 30 November 2020

Switch Off Fortnight

From Monday 30th November to Monday 14th December Wrotham Road Primary School will be taking part in the switch off fortnight. Encouraging the children to join in by making sure lights are off when leaving the classroom or making sure the whiteboard is turned off when not in use etc. 

Amazing independent writing in Reception


Friday 27 November 2020

Christmas Cards

As we approach December, we are determined to make Christmas as festive as we possibly can under the restrictions we are given. 

Sadly, this will not include the delivery and exchange of Christmas cards. It has been a difficult decision to make - but in order to comply with the concerns of parents, staff and guidance from the Trust - can we kindly request that pupils do not bring Christmas cards into school.

We appreciate that this will be a disappointment, we understand that some of you will disagree. However our prime concern is the health of our community - both physical and mental - and we are sure you will support this decision.

New Government Restrictions come into force from Wednesday

  • No mixing of households indoors or most outdoor places, apart from within support bubbles. Maximum gatherings of six in some outdoor spaces (for example, parks and public gardens)
  • Avoid travelling outside of Kent other than where necessary for work or education. Reduce your number of journeys where possible
  • No overnight stays other than with your household or support bubble

Therefore can I remind parents to ensure they wear masks on the school site. 

Please remember to maintain social distancing at all times while queuing or waiting on the school site. 


Please do not congregate on the school site, once you have collected all of your children, please exit the school site via the one way system. This also refers to congregating around the school gates, this must not happen as it impedes others safely accessing the school.

Christmas Dinner will be on Wednesday 16th December

If  you wish to order Christmas dinner for your child please click on the link below:-

KS1 Christmas dinner  Click Here

KS2 Christmas dinner Click Here

(cost is £2.30 - please pay via Parentpay Click Here

Maths Stars!


Friday 20 November 2020

Star Writers This Week 20th November


Maths Stars Of The Week


Language of the term

The current Language of the Term at Wrotham Road Primary School is Greek!

Pupils have been learning key Greek phrases by listening to and repeating vocabulary in class. This has been modelled to them by a native speaker via the following link:

Please note:  Adobe Flash Player may need to be enabled for this page to work. Click on 'First Words', which takes you to the list of phrases.​​

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Christmas Cards For Pupils

As we approach December, we are determined to make Christmas as festive as we possibly can under the restrictions we are given. 

Sadly, this will not include the delivery and exchange of Christmas cards. It has been a difficult decision to make - but in order to comply with the concerns of parents, staff and guidance from the Trust - can we kindly request that pupils do not bring Christmas cards into school.

We appreciate that this will be a disappointment, we understand that some of you will disagree. However our prime concern is the health of our community - both physical and mental - and we are sure you will support this decision.

NHS Sleep Guidance

The Wrotham Road Team really value working in partnership with you in the interest of your children’s progress and well-being, we want the very best for every child. You can help us to do this by ensuring that your child has a good night’s sleep.

The NHS has set out the required amount of sleep for Primary aged children as follows:

  • 3yr olds need 11 hours 30 mins per night
  • 4 & 5 yr olds need 11 hours per night
  • 6 yr olds need 10 hours  45 mins per night
  • 7 yr olds need 10 hours 30 mins per night
  • 8 yr olds need 10 hours  15 mins per night
  • 9 yr olds need 10 hours per night
  • 10 and 11 yr olds need 9 hours  30 mins per night

It is also really important that children (and adults) do not do any on-screen activity within the hour before going to bed as the blue light exposure can make it much harder to go to sleep. In addition, a healthy breakfast will set your child up for a good start to the day. We ensure the children drink lots of water in school and it’s great if you do so at home as well.

Book Club 2020

 Since we cannot hold our Autumn Book Fair at school, our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running! 

Go to to browse the latest books and order online. 

For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20p in Scholastic Rewards. 

Please place your order online by November 27th, 2020.

Year 4

 Year 4 will be able to return to school on Thursday 19th November 

Tuesday 17 November 2020

Reception Road Safety Lesson

We have been learning how to be safe when crossing or using roads. Super Cat has taught us to 'Stop, Look, Listen and Think' so we made Super Cat road safety posters. We also explored our new investigation area and made sure the cars on the road were being safe.