Monday 14 October 2019

Harvest Festival

Thank you for all the donations your children brought in today!

Friday 11 October 2019

Harvest Festival

On Monday we will hold our Harvest Festival Assembly. Unfortunately parents will not be invited due to lack of space. 

Again this year we will be donating food & toiletries to the Gravesham foodbank. ‘The foodbank is designed to help individuals and families in crisis through the provision of emergency food supplies.’ 

We would be extremely grateful if each child could bring in a small Harvest offering on Monday and give to your child's class teacher.

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Year 5 - IPC

This afternoon Year 5 turned their classrooms into cooking workstations and made bread! The children measured the ingredients, mixed everything together and kneaded their own dough! After this, we popped the dough into the oven and out came some lovely bread rolls! 

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Year 5 IPC

Today in IPC the children were investigating whether the carbon dioxide produced from mixing yeast, water and sugar could inflate a balloon.  
They dissolved the sugar and yeast in water and then observed patiently, watching as the mixture bubbled and the balloons began to inflate! 

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Walk On Wednesday

Starts tomorrow the 2nd October

Families are encouraged to walk to and from school on Wednesdays. 

Park ‘n’ Stride involves parking a short walk from the school in legally marked parking spots, and undertaking the final part of your journey on foot.

Monday 23 September 2019

Friday 20 September 2019

Year 3F - IPC

As part of our IPC topic today  3F made a brain and labelled the different parts.  We have learnt what each part of the brain helps us to do and how the right side controls the left and the left side controls the right.