Thursday 14 February 2019

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Internet Safety Day

Year 1 have listened to internet safety songs, learnt about staying safe online from Buddy the Dog and made posters to put up around the school! 

Friday 1 February 2019

Number Day

Here's Bess and some Year 3s enjoying a well deserved break after persevering in a maths lesson. 

Number Day Year 6

Year 6 had fun making their own fraction walls this morning before taking part in the Wrotham Road Panic Room special. Luckily all of them made it out and escaped in time for lunch! 

Number Day Year 5

Here is a photo from Year 5 doing the escape room!

Number Day Year 2

Here are some photos of 2D measuring their body parts for number day earlier on today.



Number Day Year 1

Year 1 have had a great day! We completed a dice investigation, we had to find the smallest and largest totals by rolling 2 or 3 dice and adding the numbers together. We also made 2D and 3D shapes using spaghetti and marshmallows, we had a lot of fun!