Thursday 21 June 2018

Year 5 Knex challenge morning

Here are some photos from this morning's brilliant activity, building siege engines from Knex.

The children (in groups of 3) had a choice of building either a catapult, a trebuchet, a siege tower, a crossbow or a battering ram.

Allotment Year 6

All of Year 6 have had great fun making something to go in the allotment and then some eager volunteers helped place them in preparation for the judging day tomorrow :)




Thursday 14 June 2018

Sunday 10 June 2018

Year 3

Here are a few pictures from our Roman Day.
We made shields based on Roman designs, learnt to march in formation and TRIED to make the Testudo (tortoise) formation to protect ourselves from oncoming arrows, make clay pots based on Roman designs and enjoyed a Roman banquet involving bread, olives and 'wine'.

Friday 8 June 2018

Year 1 Entry Point

Year 1 started their new topic 'Hooray...Let's go on Holiday!'
They looked through holiday brouchures, created their own passports and used our class role play area which is a travel agents! Many holidays were booked!

Year 4- Entry point - Nature of life

Year 3 IPC Entry Point: The Romans

Sports For School- Fitness Day

What an amazing morning! Well done everyone for taking part. 

Assembly to the whole school

Please ensure that sponsorship forms and moneys are returned to the school office on or before Friday, 15 June at the latest.