Monday 11 September 2017

Year 1 IPC Entry Point

Year 1 had a great time exploring their five senses during their Sensational entry point! We made musical instruments, collage feely boards, took pictures on the IPads, tasted yoghurt and had to guess what we could smell!

Year 3 IPC Entry Point

We visited a 'Stone Age excavation site' and found lots of stone age tools. We found bows, stone flints which were used as spear heads, scrapers and knives and an animal fur which was used for warmth and shelter.




Friday 8 September 2017

Year 4 IPC Entry Point

Today we had an entry point for 'Bright Sparks'. We carried out a dragons den day where the children made a product and then pitched it to the Dragons.





Wednesday 6 September 2017

Meet The Teacher Meetings

This will give your child’s new class teacher the opportunity to hand out Class Curriculum letters. These will explain what will be covered in English and Maths over the next term and inform you about the new IPC topics the year group will be covering. It also gives you the chance to ask about class routines and protocols and meet the Phase Leader.

Monday 11th Year 1 (3.30pm)                          Monday 18th  Year 3(3.30pm)
Tuesday 12th  Year 2 (3.30pm)                         Tuesday 19th  Year 5 (3.30pm)
Wednesday 13th  Year 4 (3.30pm)                    Reception 20th (11.30am)

Thursday 14th  Year 6 (3.30pm)