Thursday, 22 September 2022
Tuesday, 20 September 2022
The PTA will be holding a meeting on Thursday 6th October to discuss fundraising events for this term. All new members welcome! Meeting to be held at 3:30pm in the Parent Support Centre (top playground). We look forward to seeing you!
Monday, 19 September 2022
Friday 23rd September
Jeans for Genes Day
500,000 children in the UK are affected by a life-altering genetic disorder. Help us raise funds to transform these children's lives.
Friday, 16 September 2022
Year 6 Parents information - Secondary School Applications 2023
You must apply for a secondary school place for your child to start year 7 at secondary school. You will need to do this when your child is in year 6 at primary school.
If your child is already at secondary school and you want to move them to a different school you must apply for an in year admission.
What to do
Applications for transfer to secondary school in September 2023 opened on Thursday 1 September and will close at midnight on Monday 31 October 2022.
Applications can be completed online.
You can name up to 4 school preferences on your secondary school application. To help you choose:
- read our information about choosing a school
- read our guide to secondary admissions for 2023 (PDF, 1.0 MB).
Applications for 2023
Secondary school applications for Kent residents opened on Thursday 1 September and will close on Monday 31 October 2022.
Additional information
Some schools may need you to complete an additional form called a Supplementary Information Form (SIF).
Please contact the school(s) to obtain the form(s) and once completed return directly to the school(s).
If you provided an email address on your application we will email you on Wednesday 1 March 2023 after 4pm to tell you which school you have been offered.
You can also log in to view your offer online on Wednesday 1 March 2023.
Offer emails will be sent to the email address provided on your application.
We cannot guarantee the exact time you will receive your email, this will depend on your email service provider.
Due to data protection restrictions, we cannot send the offer to an alternate address without authorisation from the original email account. If you have changed email address, please ensure you can still access the original one so you can receive your offer, or you can view your offer online.
If you need to reset your password you must use the email address you registered with.
For any additional advice, email
Thursday, 15 September 2022
Year 2- What's it made of?
The children were reviewing their knowledge on materials. The children explored various materials and sorted them into groups.
Year 5 Brainwave Entry Point
We are learning about our brain and how we teach and learn new information. We were able to get the children to memorise a list of twenty random words in about 5 minutes. By creating a story and adding actions we surprised ourselves with the brain's ability to commit so much information to memory in a short time. In truth we often underestimate our capacity for learning information. There's no longer an excuse not to score 10/10 in our weekly spellings!
Year 6
To kick off our IPC topic this term (Space Scientists) we decided to find our inner rap artist. From previous learning, we know that songs allow us to learn in an innovative and creative way. Therefore, we wanted to create a song about the solar system and find out everything we already know!
Monday, 12 September 2022
Meet the teacher this week - 3.30pm in the Hall
Friday, 9 September 2022
Everyone here at Wrotham Road Primary School is greatly saddened to learn of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Her tireless service to our country – from her early days as a dutiful young monarch to her later years as the world’s longest and most eminent serving head of state – makes her a source of admiration for all of us.
We would like to express our sincere condolences; our thoughts are with her close family at this sad time.
Nursery children have started their full sessions and are settling into their new routines beautifully. Reception children have attended morning sessions this week. It has been wonderful to see the rekindling of old friendships from our Nursery, into Reception, as well as the new friendships forming in both year groups. The children have settled well into their routines and are eagerly exploring their new environments, trying different activities daily, as a taster of what is to come during the year.
Monday, 5 September 2022
Welcome Back!
It has been so lovely to welcome all the children back to school this new academic year. They have all been sharing with their friends and school staff, what they have been getting up to in the holidays and they all seemed really happy to be back at school. We also welcome today our new Reception pupils!
PE days
The children will have PE on the following days:
Year 1-Monday and Thursday
Year 2-Monday and Thursday
Year 3-Mondays and Tuesday
Year 4-Tuesday and Wednesday
Year 5-Wednesday and Friday
Year 6-Wed and Friday (Swimming)
The children need to come to school in their PE kit on their PE day please.
School Dinner Menu
Cost is £2.20 and payment can be made by cash or Arbor. A welcome email will be sent from Arbor from TCS.
Friday, 2 September 2022
Wednesday, 31 August 2022
Gates will open at 8.40am and close at 8.55am.
Pick up KS1 3.20pm and KS2 3.25pm. (Gates will open from 3.05pm)
We look forward to welcoming you all back!
Tuesday, 26 July 2022
Have a wonderful summer break.
We look forward to welcoming you back to a new term on
Thursday 1st September.
Monday, 25 July 2022
Thank you PTA
I would like to pass on a very big thank you for your incredible support this year, who have helped raise a great deal of money for the school.
We couldn't have done it without all the volunteers that have helped us along the way. Your continued support is very much appreciated.