Wednesday, 6 July 2022

E-Safety Advice For Parents

 Free online safety courses for parents 

Click Here

Sports Day (parents welcome to attend )

EYFS and Key Stage 1 sports day will be on Tuesday 12th July at 10am

Key Stage 2 sports day will be on Wednesday 13th July at 10am

The track has been relocated this year, so please be aware of the markings on the field.

Can you ensure your child has a hat, water bottle and is wearing sun cream.  Next week the weather does look like it will be extremely hot!

All pupils to come to school wearing their PE kit.
(Any photos not to be shared online on any social media platforms)

Queen's Baton Relay

On Friday, the Queen’s Baton Relay will make it's way through the borough. Kieron from Team Kaizen TDS, who provides our street dance lessons, has been asked to put together a group of dancers to perform along the route.


Friday, 1 July 2022

Year 6

Year 6 have been getting creative with our LEGO Technic sets this afternoon! 

Water fun!

Year 6 have been down to the allotment to clear and prepare our flower beds for planting a sensory garden next week. Check out the before and after pictures - all trees have been relocated!

Thursday, 30 June 2022

Year 6

Yesterday, after the fun at the Panto, Year 6 headed to Woodlands Park for some organised games and free time.  

Today, Year 6 had a PJ, Pizza Making and Movie day!! Using kits from a local pizza restaurant, we have made a fantastic variety of margherita pizzas which all came out perfectly.

Gravesend 4 Square Competition

Yesterday, a group of 11 Year 5 and 6 children attended a 4 square competition for schools outside of the TPAT Trust. Upon arrival, the children were required to learn a new one off variation of the 4 square game, which had similar links to tennis. They worked diligently in their teams to learn the game rules and, after a shaky first round, found their stride moving forwards. Henrik received a special mention at the end of the competition for being most improved from the Wrotham teams and Taris was selected alongside one Culverstone child as the referees' players of the day. 


1: Wrotham 1
2: Culverstone (blue team)
4: Culverstone (orange)
5: Wrotham 2

It is a delight to announce that the Wrotham 1 team has now been invited to the 4 square finals next Tuesday, to compete for overall winners and the title of European primary champions. We will be competing against Copperfield, Culverstone and Timberwood.

The children have done an amazing job. Go team Wrotham!

Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Year 2- IPC

Today Year 2 started to investigate whether a plant needs water to grow or can we use any liquid? Children were putting water in one plant, milk in another and coke in another plant. The children have been investigating germination of seeds and recording their observations into their bean diary too. 

Year 5 and 6 at the NTC Peter Pan Panto at Woodville Halls

Tuesday, 28 June 2022



Greenwich Trip Year 5

Wow! Year 5 have had an amazing time in Greenwich today. We learnt about the meridian line and Greenwich's most famous astronomers. We had an interactive lesson in a Planetarium. What an experience for them all. Did you know that there are over 200 moons in our solar system? 

Monday, 27 June 2022

Year 5 Parents -regarding the admission process into Mayfield

 Dear Sir/Madam 

Re: Mayfield Testing for September 2023 entry


Entry into Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend is either via the Kent 11+ test or via the optional Mayfield test.  Please note that all pupils must sit the Kent 11+ test. 


·         Information regarding the Mayfield registration procedure is available on the school’s website at the following link:Mayfield Registration Form

·         Further information regarding the Mayfield testing is also available on the school’s website at the following link: The Mayfield Procedure Additional Information.


We do appreciate that some parents will have queries and questions so we have a dedicated email address:


Any parent/carer who requires advice on the admissions procedure or the Mayfield testing is welcome to email this address directly and a member of staff will respond to them as soon as is practicable.   


Registration closes on Friday 8th July at 4 p.m.  Following this we will publish further familiarisation materials on our website under “Life at Mayfield”, “Joining Year 7”. 


We will also be holding Maths Booster sessions for children who have registered to sit the Mayfield tests, details of which will be emailed to the parent upon completion of their application form.


Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


Kind regards


Mrs C Kemp

Deputy Headteacher

Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend: a company limited by guarantee. 
Registered in England: Company number 7900248
Registered Office: Mayfield Grammar School, Pelham Road, Gravesend, Kent, DA11 0JE

Saturday, 25 June 2022

Curly's Farm

We fed and watered a variety of animals today. Collected eggs from the chickens. Watched pigs being injected and learnt about why they were receiving treatment. At the end of the day we were aloud to take home some fresh eggs from the farm too!

We got to hold and learn about the chicks that were 5 days old.