Friday, 22 April 2022
Year 5 - The Great, The Bold and the Brave!
This term Year 5 are starting their new topic. 'The Great, The Bold and the Brave'. The children will learn about the Greeks and the Romans. We decided to recreate the incredible architecture that was involved in that era. We wanted to see exactly what it looked like. Here we have recreated the Colosseum as well as the Acropolis.
This term Reception are learning about growth!
Thursday, 21 April 2022
Wednesday, 20 April 2022
The Archeologists in Year 6
Year 6 are spending the afternoon seeking out ancient landmarks and recording them in the same way people used to - by drawing them. They are trying to keep their drawings as accurate as possible by focusing on shape and size as this was one of the ways people could share their findings.
Y6 also explored a range of fossils as part of our archaeologist day! The children were very excited.
Year 2 Entry Point Buildings
Here are some of the photos of 2S making their house of cards and securing them with blue tack. They also dressed up as people who build buildings or as a building.
World Earth Day - Eco Council
The Eco Council have had a successful first three terms and have no plans on stopping any time soon. Our Eco Councillors have been working hard, vigilantly doing litter picks at lunch times to help reduce litter around our school. Our ‘Recycle to Read’ Initiative is also making great progress with the box now being almost full. Remember, if you have any broken plastic toys, please bring it in to be recycled and we will be able to trade our recycling for books!
We are also currently finalising the plans for our ‘Paper Free Day’ this Friday, which we will be doing to commemorate Earth Day 2022. On this day, Wrotham Road will think of new and creative ways to complete their work, without any paper being used.
The Eco council are also currently in talks with the company that is building the new bus hub in the town centre. They would like our help in planting flowers and trees around the new hub to help make it a more appealing, greener space for the public. We are all very excited at the prospect of helping our local community in this way.
So watch this space!
The Eco Council
Tuesday, 19 April 2022
Term 5 Knowledge Organisers and Supporting Parents Information - April
Monday, 18 April 2022
Welcome Back!
We return to school on Tuesday 19th April.
Reminder pupil book look. This will be held in your child's classroom on Tuesday from 3.30-4pm.
Thursday, 14 April 2022
Wednesday, 13 April 2022
Sunday, 3 April 2022
Poetry in Year 6
Year 6 spent the last few days looking at and reading poetry. They all thoroughly enjoyed unwinding to the poetry read by different children and teachers.
Year 1 - Exit Point
To end our From A to B topic, Year 1 have made rockets. We put alka-seltzer tablets into film canisters and added water. We watched our rockets pop and fly into the air. It was so exciting! We also enjoyed creating our own vehicles, painting vehicle templates using our knowledge of colour mixing and we made sliding pictures where our vehicles slide along a background we designed.
Maths Investigation
Year 6 are carrying out a mini Maths Investigation this morning. They are presented with questions and need to use their reasoning skills to justify their answers. The children have come up with some really good justifications and worked together as teams really well.