Wednesday, 30 March 2022

EYFS Newsletter



Year 4 Music Afterschool Club


The children in Reception have thoroughly enjoyed learning about Pirates during Term 4. We had a Pirate Dress Up Day to celebrate, dug for treasure, and even walked the plank!

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

TPAT Newsletter March 2022



Year 2- Exit Point for Treasure Island

The Year 2's used instruments to recreate a pirate ships journey starting the calm ocean and then a storm brews and the ship has to get to safety.

The children dressed up as pirates for the day which meant they had to speak like a pirate and sing pirate songs and finally they create their padlock for their treasure chest. 

April 2022 Newsletter



Friday, 25 March 2022

Whole Class Feedback

6M wanted to do some whole class feedback today. They decided to let the children be the judges. Miss J and Mr S were looking at books under the visualiser, exploring where improvements could be made. They provided some great feedback to the whole class, and the children enjoyed sharing their work.The children all listened very carefully to their new teachers!

TPAT Competition - Wrotham Road Benchball Winners!!! Year 1 and Year 2


We sent two groups for children (14 in total) to Culverstone for the 2nd TPAT competition this year, and this term, with outstanding results which have been fed back.

1st  place: Wrotham Road 
2nd place: Riverview 
3rd place: Culverstone
4th place Wrotham

I want to celebrate this immense achievement from our KS1 children with all of you, also remembering this is their first competition as a phase and the limited experience of the game itself. 


A big thank you, also, to Mr Bownas and Miss Butt for taking the children today.

We hope to continue this wave of success with the Year 3 and 4 competition tomorrow.

Thursday, 24 March 2022

E- Safety For Parents


Year 6

Today, Year 6 will be linking their art work directly with our topic as we learn how to complete observational sketches and attempt a cross section sketch of a reptile. Hopefully, Lightning stays still long enough! They spent time drawing him, and looking at his exoskeleton. 

Year 6 have also been observing the germination of their sunflower seeds which are looking strong.

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Reception Displays


Updated Appeal For Ukraine

We are continuing our appeal for donations for Ukraine with an updated list of goods required.

Our families have been incredibly generous in donating and we have made our first minibus full of donations to Folkestone. So far eight HGV Lorries packed with donations have been sent, from this site, directly into Ukraine. 

If you wish to donate any of the following items, please bring them to school at pick up time and take them to the school hall door, on the middle playground. 

Unfortunately we cannot take any deliveries of clothing or toys.

·      Baby food and formula 

·      Baby feeding bottles

·      Nappies and baby wipes

·      Female sanitary products

·      Toiletries

·      Torches / Head Torches

·      Batteries

·      Warm blankets

·      Camping mats

·      Sleeping bags

·      Hot water bottles

·      Insulated flasks

·      Protein/energy bars

·      Dry food – Pasta /Pot Noodles/Rice etc

·      Sugar and salt

·      Tea/ Instant coffee

·      Toilet Rolls

·      A letter/card of hope and support from children and families

Please only give items from the above list, as other goods cannot be accepted for transportation.

Thank you for your incredible generosity. 

The Wrotham Road Primary School Team.

Monday, 21 March 2022

Parents Evening Booking 2022

Book look: Tuesday 19th April, 3.30 - 4pm (in your child’s classroom)

Parents Evenings:  Monday 25th April, 4.30 - 7pm (in school hall)

               Tuesday 26th April, 3.40 - 6pm (in school hall)



Dear Parents/Carers,


I am writing to let you know how we will be holding parent consultations (Parents Evenings) for the weeks following the Easter break.


As usual, this meeting is a chance for us to discuss what your child has achieved so far and the next steps forward. These meetings will take place in the school hall. 


In order to make the booking of appointments easy and efficient, we will be once again using the “Teacher 2 Parents” text service. Time slots will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Each appointment will last approximately 10 minutes. 


The booking system will go live on Monday 21st March and close on Friday 25th March. A text will be sent to you and you will need to book an appointment for each of your children with their class teacher.  If you have any problems, please make the class teacher aware of this when you collect your child at the end of the day.


We hope you can prioritise this event; it is an important opportunity for your child’s teachers to discuss his/her progress with you. 


Most importantly, please ensure the school office has your up to date mobile number so that the text service can contact you.


Yours sincerely,


Mrs S Jack


Friday, 18 March 2022

Science Week 2022

Planting sunflower seeds! We are excited to see how they turn out and possibly plant them in the allotment   

Year 2 have been learning about how seeds germinate. 

We have planted sunflower seeds and will track the growth of our plants over the next few weeks. We are delighted to announce that after planting on Monday we already have some seed germinating!!

Also linking our topic on Evolution to Science Week's theme 'Growth', Year 6 have carefully considered what adaptations life forms would need to enable them to live on Mars

Ukraine Donations

 Your donations have been dropped off this afternoon in Folkestone. Thank you ! 

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Eco Council

The Eco council have had a successful first three terms and have no plans on stopping any time soon!

We have been working hard, vigilantly doing litter picks at lunch times to help reduce litter around our school. Our ‘Recycle to Read’ Initiative is also making great progress with the box now being almost full. Remember, if you have any broken plastic toys, please bring it in to be recycled and we will be able to trade our recycling for books! 

We are also currently finalising the plans for our ‘Paper Free Day’ on Friday 22nd April, which we will be doing to commemorate Earth Day 2022. On this day, Wrotham Road will think of new and creative ways to complete their work, without any paper being used. Look out for posters going up in the school in the next week!

The Eco council are also currently in talks with the company that is building the new bus hub in the town centre. They would like our help in planting flowers and trees around the new hub to help make it a more appealing, greener space for the public. We are all very excited at the prospect of helping our local community in this way.


Mr Nouri 

Wednesday, 16 March 2022

First Aid

Today in PSHE, Year 6 learnt about the recovery position for babies, adults and children. They all now feel confident they would know what to do if they were ever in a situation like this. 

Appeal For Ukraine- Thank you so far for all your donations!

In recognition of the plight of Ukranian refugees we are organising the collection of goods that can be sent, as aid, to the Polish/Ukranian border.

Wrotham Road Primary School will be acting as a hub for collections and transporting the donations to a central collection point, the first drop off will be this Friday.

If you wish to donate any of the following items to this cause, please bring them to school at pick up time and take them to the school hall door, on the middle playground. 

·      Baby formula (especially hypoallergenic)

·      Baby feeding bottles

·      Baby food

·      Nappies – all sizes

·      Female sanitary products

·      Charging banks for mobile phones

·      Thermal/base layers

·      Warm socks/hats/gloves

·      Warm blankets

·      Camping mats

·      Sleeping bags

·      Protein/energy bars

·      Hot water bottles

·      Insulated flasks

·      Protein/energy bars

·      Clean soft toys/teddies

·      A letter/card of hope and support from children and families

Please only give items from the above list, as other goods cannot be accepted for transportation.

All donations will be very gratefully received.

 Many thanks,

The Wrotham Road Primary School Team.



Saturday, 12 March 2022

Dodgeball TPAT Competition

What an amazing start to the TPAT competition calander this year. 

Can I thank everyone who put in time to help the competition run smoothly and for those adults who took time out of their busy schedules to come and spectate, it was appreciated by the children and adults alike.

Our representatives for Years 3 and 4 (20 children) were outstanding, I cannot praise them highly enough for their conduct, sportsmanship and team spirit. We worked incredibly hard and the competition between ourselves, Riverview, Culverstone and Meopham was fierce. The final positions were determined only by the last two games as before this, 3 schools were tied at 16 points and the other two tied at 21 apiece. 
When the final whistle was called the schools had just edged into 1- 5 places with the final positioning being:

1st- Meopham 
2nd - Culverstone
3rd- Wrotham 1
4th - Riverview
5th- Wrotham 2

We now look forward to the next competition which will be hosted at Culverstone on Thursday 24th and Friday 25th March for Bench-ball.
Go team Wrotham!