Monday, 7 March 2022
Thursday, 3 March 2022
World Book Day 2022
Today the classes in KS2 took it in turns to contribute to a shared story.
Lost and Found
Written by KS2
A flock of birds flew past the window. Anaxi sighed. He wished he was one of them and not just a normal boy on his first day of school, listening to the teacher droning on about long division. If only one of the seagulls could carry him to where he really wanted to be. The humid, tropical Amazon Rainforest.
Suddenly, a seagull crashed through the triple-glazed, transparent window, spraying sharp shards of glass like water gushing down a waterfall. Fifteen more seagulls followed the first and began to swirl around the room in a perfect circle. Chaos broke out. Children ran flapping and flailing their arms above their heads. Anaxi, relaxed, stood up and ran to the window. The seagulls turned and swooped towards Anaxi, forming the shape of a dragon. The birds transformed in to a dangerous but terrific red dragon. Anaxi was grabbed and lifted by the dragon, out of the window and into the sky.
After six long hours of flying with the dragon, Anaxi was suddenly upon a deserted island. Anaxi was starving, so much so he could eat a whole pack of wolves. He hiked for what seemed like a lifetime, until he stumbled upon a dark, damp and mysterious cave.
Did Anaxi dare to look inside? His heart said “yes”, but his head screamed “no!” Taking a deep breath, Anaxi whispered, “Follow your heart”. Cautiously, he crawled on his hands and knees into the darkness. All around him was a cool, ominous mist. His journey felt like forever, yet, in the distance he saw a flicker of light. Could it be a candle?
Mustering all his courage, Anaxi crawled, hesitantly and cautiously, deeper in to the cave. As Anaxi came closer and closer to the light, he realised… it wasn’t a candle, it was a lightbulb hanging from the ceiling of the cave. It was flashing as though it were losing power. “How is it even powered?” Anaxi wondered. Beneath the lightbulb, Anaxi saw something that made him stop in his tracks. A person. A person here, deep in the cave. Fighting an urge to turn and run, Anaxi stepped closer.
His heart was pounding as the person turned towards him. It was a man, as tall as a tree. “Who are you?” said Anaxi. The man whispered, “I am your future. I am you as a quiet, grey old man. Are you liking your reflection? Am I what you thought you would be? Listen to my story…”
“After you venture out of this cave you will visit some of your distant family.” Anaxi found out he had a twin. His twin, Eliza, had her own family and he had a nephew called Michael.
The twins had been separated at birth! An evil, cold-hearted nurse at the hospital had sold Eliza to a wealthy Italian family.
Anaxi was confused and angry. He ran out of the cave in a panic. He built a raft and travelled south towards what he hoped would be Italy. He was frantic to find his sister and nephew. The stark truth spurred him on. Nausea gripped him.
After many days of solitude he arrived at the shores of Italy. He fell asleep and had dreams of where to go.
Those dreams turned out to be accurate.
He had a wonderful reunion and met his nephew for the first time.
World Book Day 2022
KS2 WBD costume winners
World Book Day 2022- Mr Smith!!!
Some of the best class captions were –
Mr Smith's new teaching techniques have really taken off
Super Smith flies into work for World Book Day
Full of beans, Mr Smith takes off
Mr Smith in full flight during his lesson
Wednesday, 2 March 2022
Year 4 - IPC Entry Point
To start our new topic, Feel the Force, Year 4 were challenged to build a marble run using recycled materials!
Tuesday, 1 March 2022
Year 2- IPC Entry Point
Today the children started their new topic ‘Treasure Island’ all about Pirates! The children had to guess what the topic was about by playing a variety of games.
The children played ‘Island Hopping’ and ‘Captain’s Commands’. Then the children each got to draw parts of a pirate on a 3-part pirate picture. Finally, they enjoyed painting different pirate pictures on Purple Mash.
Dear Parents,
Re: Home Study Support for Years 5 & 6
We are delighted to inform you that Kent County Council’s “Reconnect: Kent Children and Young People” programme is providing an exciting, free, Home Study Support initiative starting on 1st March 2022.
Delivered by Kent based Invicta National Academy these free voluntary Zoom sessions are available for your child to drop in to and ask their maths and English homework questions or to stay and get support for the whole hour. Sessions are run by qualified teachers with experienced teaching assistants on hand to help. There will be a focus topic for each session and children are encouraged to come with their subject based questions.
During the sessions cameras are switched off and communication is via the Q&A function, which is only visible to your child and the teacher and lesson facilitator. Where possible, your child may communicate via the microphone if they would like to; this is controlled by the lesson facilitator.
There is no commitment to attend, your child can join as many sessions as they wish using the zoom link provided and can join, leave, and re-join as many times as they wish using the same link.
To register your child and receive your free virtual Home Study Support link please click on the link below. It takes less than a minute!
Click here to register
Home Study Support timetable for Years 5 & 6 starting 1st March 2022
Tuesdays: Maths 5-6pm & English 6-7pm
Thursdays: Maths 5-6pm & English 6-7pm
We hope you will encourage your children to take advantage of this exciting new opportunity,
Monday, 28 February 2022
Year 1 - IPC Entry Point A-B
This term, Year 1's IPC topic is "From A to B." We will be learning about vehicles, transportation and how things move. For our entry point we made paper aeroplanes. We first had a go at making our own, which we tested to see if they would fly. We followed instructions and in teams, made one aeroplane to test. We then had a tournament to see how far they flew, whether they could fly through a hoop and whether they could make a safe landing in a hoop. It was a lot of fun!
Year 3- IPC Entry Point "Shake it"
Last week the Year 3 children had a scientific day filled of experiments! They learnt how to make cheese using milk and lemon juice and how to make butter using cream.
Friday, 25 February 2022
Events coming up this term
World Book Day - 3rd March (dress as your favourite book character for the day)
Zoolab Workshop for Nursery and Reception - Friday 4th March
Science Week W/B 14th March
Red Nose Day - Friday 18th March (wear red and donate a £1)
TPAT Lego competition - 22nd March (invite only)
Thursday 31st March finish at 1.30pm- break up for Easter holiday
School Closed- INSET DAY - Friday 1st April