Saturday, 25 September 2021

Curly's Farm Year 4

 Another day of hard work for Year 4 at Curly's Farm!

Today we helped Hollie feed Eric and Richard the Falcons (we waited outside their enclosure while Hollie fed them and taught us all about their diet and what happens when they can't digest some of their food...). Then it was time to muck out the pig pens! We met 6 piglets (yet to be named) who were born at the start of September and also Brian the pig (he loved back scratches!). 

After that, we split in to smaller groups to clean up the chicken coop and the African Pygmy goat shed. Our final task was to create a goat playground to keep the Pygmy goats entertained. We enjoyed this task, but the goats were more interested in Hollie as she had the food.

Friday, 17 September 2021

Year 4E visit to Curly's Farm


Today some of the year 4 pupils had their first farm visit!

After meeting the farmer, we were given our list of jobs for the day. First, we had to collect food from the food store and feed the sheep and even some emus! Then we had to clean and refill the water buckets for the sheep and pigs. Our final job for the day was to help herd some sheep into a different pen. With the help of some food, and working together, we managed to get the flock of sheep across 2 pens! 

We can't wait to find out what jobs are in store next time at Curly's farm!

Year 4E First Recorder Lesson!



Our Assembly this week will focus on the " Rule Of Law"


Welcome Letter Sept 2021


Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Year 3 - IPC

One of Year 3's topics this term is "Brainwaves". Today we looked at the different parts of the brain and then had a go at recreating our own using play dough!

School Dinner Menu Sept 2021

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Year 1 - IPC

 Our topic is The Earth Our Home

We have started to think about habitats so we have been to the pond area to do some pond dipping and look at the plants to find living creatures.In class we had some craft activities to make some pond creatures and plants.

Roald Dahl Day Monday 13th Sept

Y6 begun the afternoon by coming up with their very own Miss Trunchball insults. The aim of the task was to say them out loud without laughing… it’s safe to say the entire class erupted with laughter at the interesting phrases the children came up with. 

We ended by looking at the illustrations in Roald Dahl books and used watercolours to draw our own cover for George’s Marvellous Medicine. 

Year 2 - IPC

This term Year 2 are learning about 'What's It Made Of?' in IPC. 

To start this topic, we explored various materials around us and sorted them into types and their properties. We have investigated the best materials for classroom furniture and how materials can change. 

Friday, 10 September 2021

New Reception Welcome!

I cannot believe the first week is over, it went in a blur! We loved meeting our new Reception children face to face - they were delightful. It is our favourite time of the year as we spend time getting to know their personalities and helping them to settle quickly into our school family. 

They have been given the opportunity to explore their whole learning area, get to know one another, and become comfortable with the whole Reception team.

We are extremely proud of how they have settled into the first phase of their school career, here at WRPS!