Friday, 18 June 2021

Last Day Of Olympic Diversity Week


Year 4 Olympic Diversity Week

Today year 4 have been learning about the Paralympics. We watched a clip of Sitting Volleyball at the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games and then had a go ourselves. It was much harder than the Paralympian's make it look!

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Year 4 Olympic Diversity Week

An exciting Show and Tell in Year 4 today! Miss Reeves brought in the Olympic Torch that one of her family members carried through Kent during the London 2012 Olympics. Children learnt about the importance of the torch and it's journey from Olympia to London. They even had a chance to lift the torch, it was pretty heavy!

Year 1 Diversity Week

Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed learning about Japan, including their sporting history and culture. They were fantastic when using their chopsticks and even chose to use them to eat their lunches! The children then created Japanese cherry blossom using watercolour paints.

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Year 5 Parents 11+ Test - Mayfield Information

Dear Parents

Re: Mayfield Testing for September 2022 entry


At this time of year we normally hold a Year 5 Information Evening for parents/carers who wish their daughters to know more about the admissions process into our school. 


We are unable to host this event this year due to the Covid-19 restrictions. This event is always extremely well attended and we are therefore requesting that the following information is shared with Year 5 parents/carers.


Entry into Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend is either via the Kent 11+ test or via the optional Mayfield test.  Please note that all pupils must sit the Kent 11+ test. 


·         Information regarding the Mayfield registration procedure is available on the school’s website at the following link: Mayfield Registration Form.

·         Further information regarding the Mayfield testing is also available on the school’s website at the following link: The Mayfield Procedure Additional Information.



We do appreciate that some parents will have queries and questions so we have a dedicated email


Any parent who requires advice on the admissions procedure or the Mayfield testing is welcome to email this address directly and a member of staff will respond to them as soon as is practicable.    


Registration closes on Thursday 1st July at 4 p.m.  Following this we will publish further familiarisation materials on our website under “Life at Mayfield”, “Joining Year 7”.


Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


Kind regards



Mrs C Kemp

Deputy Headteacher


Year 5 Olympic Diversity Week

Today we have been researching our ‘home’ countries and looking at the different nationalities within the class. We thought about which other teams we might support and found one of their ‘promising athletes’ to complete a fact file on. We collected this information and organised them into a tri-arama.

Year 6 Transition Tuesday

In preparation for secondary school, Year 6 were asked to come in wearing a tie. This afternoon we had a lesson on how to tie them, ready for Year 7! 

Monday, 14 June 2021

Reception Olympic Diversity Week

Reception enjoyed beginning their Olympic Diversity Week by learning about Japan and spoke about what they already know about the Olympics. The children created their own medals, Olympic torches and used bottle tops to print the Olympic Rings. 

Nursery Dress Up Day

Nursery had a dress up day and came in as 'People who Help Us', we had doctors, nurses, firefighters and police to name just a few. The children had a wonderful day and even spent the day making sure they were extra helpful to everyone in Nursery.

Year 5 Parents ONLY- 11+ Application

If your child is currently in Year 5 and you wish for them to be registered for the 11+ all the details are attached below.

Children due to start secondary school in September 2022 can register for the Kent Test from 1 June 2021.

Assessment is normally carried out during the autumn term.

The tests are planned for September 2021. 

To apply:-

Click Here To Apply

Familiarisation booklet- Click Here

The application window is detailed below. 

Kent Test for September 2022 entry to secondary school 

1 June to 1 July 2021 (deadline)


If you require any assistance applying online please email

Day 1of Olympic Diversity Week

This morning ,Year 6 have tried an Olympic sport that is new to them for our Entry Point lesson - Handball. Playing in teams of 7 the pupils put their throwing and catching skills to the test. They have enjoyed it so much that we will use our Thursday PE slots to practise our skills and compete in handball.

Sunday, 13 June 2021

Olympic Diversity Week - Knowledge Organisers

Year 1 and 2

                                                                        Year 3 and 4

Year 5 and 6

UEFA Euro 2021