Friday, 19 March 2021

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Parent Consultations April 2021

Dear Parents/Carers,

I am writing to let you know how we will be organising parent consultation meetings next term. These are scheduled for the second week following the Easter break (26th – 29th April).


This meeting is a chance for us to discuss how your child has settled back into school, how much they have achieved and the next steps forward. Due to current restrictions in relation to health and safety concerns, connected to the on-going coronavirus pandemic, these meetings will take the form of telephone conversations and the class teacher will call you. 


In order to make the booking of appointments easy and efficient for parents/ carers, we will be using the “Teachers 2 Parents” text service. Time slots will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Each appointment will last approximately 10 minutes. 


The booking system will go live on Monday 29th March and close on Friday 2nd April. A text will be sent to you and you will need to book an appointment for each of your children with their class teacher.  If you have any problems, please make the class teacher aware of this when you collect your child at the end of the day.


Most importantly, please ensure the school office has your up-to-date mobile number so that the text service can contact you.


Appointment booking schedule:


Monday 26th April – Years 3, 4, 5 and 6

Tuesday 27th April - Years 3, 4, 5 and 6

Wednesday 28th April – Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

Thursday 29th April - Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2


Yours sincerely,

Mrs S Jack



Monday, 8 March 2021

Friday, 5 March 2021

Welcome Back !

We are so looking forward to welcoming back all the children on Monday. Below is all the information you need to know.

Have a lovely weekend!

Monday 8th March

As you know, operating a staggered start and end to our school day helps to avoid large groups gathering and keeps everyone safe. 

Please drop your children off on time and collect them promptly, leaving the school site as soon as possible. 

Arrangements remain the same as they were before lockdown: 


Nursery: (AM) Drop off 8.30 Pick up 11.30.  (PM) Drop off 12.45 - 1.00. Pick up 3.45


Reception: Drop off 8.45       Pick up 3.00- Front playground (via front Reception gate).


Year 1: Drop off 9.00              Pick up 3.30 - Middle playground (via front Office gate).


Year 2: Drop off 8.45              Pick up 3.15 - Middle playground (via front Office gate).


Year 3: Drop off 8.30              Pick up 3.00 - Middle playground (via front Office gate).


Year 4: Drop off 9.00              Pick up 3.30 - Top playground (via back Sheppy Place gate).


Year 5: Drop off 8.45              Pick up 3.15 - Top playground (via back Sheppy Place gate).


Year 6: Drop off 8.30              Pick up 3.00 - Top playground (via back Sheppy Place gate).


If you need a breakfast or after-school club place next week, please do not forget to book in advance. 

Please phone Linda Homer on 

07827  225678

 or call the school office 01474 543540

P.E Session

Pupils will be allowed to attend school in their PE kit on the days listed  below:-

Reception - Monday and Tuesday

Year 1- 1M-Monday and Friday   1CT- Monday and Thursday

Year 2- Thursday and Friday

Year 3- Monday and Friday

Year 4- Tuesday and Friday

Year 5- Wednesday and Thursday

Year 6- Thursday and Friday

8th March - school to re-open- details below

When we return  all parents or those designated to bring children to and from school should wear a mask or face covering while on the school site or waiting to enter the school site. It is vital that we all play our part in keeping everyone safe, to ensure we remain COVID free here at Wrotham Road Primary School.     


Please remember to maintain social distancing at all times while queuing or waiting on the school site. Please do not congregate on the school site, once you have collected all of your children, please exit the school site via the one way system. This also refers to congregating around the school gates, this must not happen as it impedes others safely accessing the school. 



Thursday, 4 March 2021



World Book Day Thursday 4th March


Happy World Book Day! We are delighted to celebrate this year with you, with some extra special FREE digital events. And what an amazing line-up it is too. You can watch them LIVE , or our YouTube channel – and they’ll remain on YouTube for you to watch back time and time again!

Look forward to a star-studded cast of authors, illustrators and hosts – all here to help you celebrate the most exciting booky day of the year!

Our exciting line-up includes:

Wednesday 3rd March, 10.30am – Books that Make you LOL!
Starring: Humza Arshad, Alex Bellos & Ben Lyttleton (Football School), Jonny Duddle and Zanib Mian
Hosted by Kenny Baraka, motivational speaker

Thursday 4th March, 10.30am – World Book Day special – Bringing Reading to Life
Starring: Joseph Coelho & Fiona Lumbers, Tom Fletcher and Lydia Monks and special guest Rob Biddulph
Hosted by Nigel Clarke, TV presenter

Friday 5th March, 10.30am  – Books and the Real World
Starring: Sita Brahmachari, Jess French and Katherine Rundell
Hosted by Jessie Cave, actor and podcaster

Each event will last approximately 30 minutes. You can find out more about each event at the links here Click Here

World Book Day vouchers will be handed out next week when the children return.

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

World Book Day - Tomorrow

Don't forget to post your World Book Day photos on Purple Mash- the best ones will appear on the blog tomorrow!

Year 2 Home Learning :- Description for an alien hotel


Breakfast and Afterschool Club

If you need a breakfast or after-school club place next week, please do not forget to book in advance. 

Please phone Linda Homer on 

07827  225678

 or call the school office 01474 543540


Tuesday, 2 March 2021



Virtual Assembly WB 1st March

Story: The Coca-Cola drinks company are testing a new paper bottle as part of a strategy to remove plastic from its packaging. 

Question: Should we choose products based on their packaging?

Virtual Assembly: Click Here

Sunday, 28 February 2021

Home Learning WB 1st March


Click here to direct you to the school website home learning page.

Staff Email addresses  

Mr Nouri    
Mrs Shaxted/Miss Hawes
Mrs Bhathal     YearRB@wrotham-road.kent.sch.u
Miss McIntosh
Mrs Chappell / Mrs Taffs
Miss Butt
Miss Stone
Mrs Foord
Miss Anwar
Mrs Evans
Miss Tan
Mr Alderson
Miss Stenson
Mr Smith
Miss Karim

Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Welcome back!

 Dear Parent and Carers,

Welcome back and I hope you all were able to have a restful half term. Following the Government’s announcement this week, we are very happy to confirm we will be welcoming all our pupils back to school on Monday 8th March.


As you know, operating a staggered start and end to our school day helps to avoid large groups gathering and keeps everyone safe. Please drop your children off on time and collect them promptly, leaving the school site as soon as possible. Arrangements remain the same as they were before lockdown:


Nursery: (AM) Drop off 8.30 Pick up 11.30.  (PM) Drop off 12.45 - 1.00. Pick up 3.45


Reception: Drop off 8.45       Pick up 3.00- Front playground (via front Reception gate).


Year 1: Drop off 9.00              Pick up 3.30 - Middle playground (via front Office gate).


Year 2: Drop off 8.45              Pick up 3.15 - Middle playground (via front Office gate).


Year 3: Drop off 8.30              Pick up 3.00 - Middle playground (via front Office gate).


Year 4: Drop off 9.00              Pick up 3.30 - Top playground (via back Sheppy Place gate).


Year 5: Drop off 8.45              Pick up 3.15 - Top playground (via back Sheppy Place gate).


Year 6: Drop off 8.30              Pick up 3.00 - Top playground (via back Sheppy Place gate).


Social distancing: 

We shall ask you to continue to maintain social distancing when bringing/collecting your child at school and that you also leave the site as swiftly as possible. Please ensure you wear a mask at all times while on the site. Routines in school will continue to minimize movement around the rooms and corridors and there will be no whole school gatherings in the hall. You must stick closely to the staggered start and finish times for the different year groups, as it is difficult for staff to remain at the entrances for prolonged periods. 


School office:

The office will remain closed - unless you have a pre-arranged appointment. Please continue to use the telephone and email system for communication at this time.  

Phone: 01474 534540                Email:


Catching up

For the first few weeks, our main priority will be to settle all our children back into the routines of school life. This will also be a period of information gathering to find out where gaps in knowledge lie and then we will make plans to address these. However, we will continue to offer our full, ambitious curriculum throughout.


Healthy and Safety:

Over the last few weeks all staff have undergone regular Lateral flow testing to help minimise the transmission risk in school and to help maintain the two class bubbles. This process has provided both reassurance for individual staff members and for the school in its efforts to reduce transmissions and to provide our community with the safest possible environment for work and study. 

Home Learning: 

The staff and I have been very impressed with the efforts of pupils in their remote learning and we are aware that this work is underpinned by the unwavering support of parents. We recognise that this period has been far from easy and we thank you for your commitment to making this period of online learning as successful as possible. 



We will sadly be saying goodbye to Mrs Nicky Catlow, our SENCO, at the end of this term. She has decided to move on to a new school in Bexley and we wish her all the best in her new position. In the meantime, Mrs Phillips who has been amazing over the last year supporting our families will be working alongside Mr Bennett and I to take on the SENCO role until we find a replacement.


World Book Day

We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 4th March and it is certainly going to look a little different this year.  It is strange to think that World Book Day 2020 was when we started heading in to the first school closure! Now that we have Vimeo, teachers will be reading their favourite book to you and if you want to dress up and post your photos to the Purple Mash blog - please do so! 


Just a reminder that the school website is which has all the relevant letters and information you will need to know. Our blog address is and is updated weekly 


Finally, but very importantly, if anyone in your household demonstrates symptoms of Covid-19, your family must follow current guidelines on isolation. Anyone exhibiting symptoms will not be allowed to enter school. Full guidance can be found on the Government website


Many thanks for all your support and the many positive comments over the last week. Stay safe as we look forward to a successful start to the term.



Kind Regards,


Sarah Jack
