Friday, 10 January 2020

Steel Drum Music Workshop for Year 3,4 5 and 6

The Steel Drumming Music Workshops were totally interactive today.
There was an impressive bank of 7 tenor pans used, so that all the pupils got a number of opportunities to play. The tenor pans are the perfect height and size for primary age pupils and are coloured coded so that all pupils are able to access and enjoy playing whatever their musical foundation.

Year 3 IPC Topic

Year 3 designed their own flags and  islands for our new topic of "Island Life".


Year 4 IPC

Temples, Tombs and Treasures

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

E- Safety Advice For Parents

Year 5 IPC

Yesterday in IPC Year 5 were learning about democracy and the right to vote. For our entry point, children voted for 4 team leaders who gave a speech about something they believe in. Children would then go and join the leader they believed in and create a campaign for their party.