Sunday, 30 June 2019

Enrichment Friday - Year 2

Playing board games and making butterfly collages


Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Year 5 - Science Lesson

The children are investigating whether there is a relationship between the mass and weight of classroom objects.

Coming Soon!

Art Day - Monday 15th July

Image result for art day

Italian Day - Friday 19th July 
Image result for italian day

Friday, 21 June 2019

Roots To Food

What an amazing day! Thank you Darren

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Sport Day

KS1- Wednesday 10th July from 9.30am
KS2 - Friday 12th July from 9.30am

Book Fair

The week of the 8th July

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

PTA Summer Disco

The next event planned by Wrotham Road PTA is a Summer Disco, which will be held on Wednesday 26thJune 19.

KS1 and Reception- 4.30pm-5.30pm – Price £2.00

KS2- 6.00pm -7.00pm- Price £2.00

(Gates will open at 4:20pm for KS1 and Reception and 5:50pm for KS2)

A DJ, refreshments (crisps and drink) and a garland will be included in the ticket price(garland to be handed out at the beginning of the disco.)

Pupils will not be allowed to leave the disco unless accompanied by an adult and tickets will not be available on the door. 

We will be selling Ice Poles and Finger lights for an additional charge of 50p each at the end of the Disco. If you would like your child to attend the disco please complete the slip below, enclosing the correct money.

Year 6 Trip To Fort Amherst

Year 6 - Pond Dipping