Tuesday 19 March 2019

PTA Mother's Day

Please bring £1 in an envelope with your child's name and class identified on the front, (hand to your class teacher) by Thursday 21st March.  
Surprise gift to be distributed on Friday 29th March. 
Reception and Key Stage 1 - 4.30 - 5.30pm
                             Key Stage 2 - 6.00 - 7.00pm

£2 – includes small chocolate egg.
Finger lights on sale before the Disco.
Cakes and ice poles on sale after the Disco.

Forms and money must be in by 28th March

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - If you can help at the Disco, please complete a form at the school office.  Thank you.

Friday 15 March 2019

Enrichment Friday - Year 2

This afternoon we learnt all about why Red Nose Day is so important, then we designed our own silly Red Nosed faces!


Science Week

With Boffin Dave the children recreated the orbits of the planets around the sun and then created their own bubble universes.  They also learnt how centripetal forces can be used to contain water in a rotating bucket and how air pressure can be manipulated. 

In class Year 6 carried out experiments to see if light bulbs would change their output according to the length of wires used to create a circuit.

Year 5 looked at irreversible changes as they baked Mug Cakes

Year 4 carried out an investigation to identify if releasing the gases from fizzy drinks would change the weight of the liquid.

Year 3 made plants to identify the key features and represent how water is transported to the leaves and flower. They also investigated the strength of static energy to move various objects.

Science Week Year 5

Year 5 were using straws to blow bubbles to create their own solar systems. 


Wednesday 13 March 2019

Science Week

Year 6 having lots of fun creating electrical circuits and turning on bulbs and buzzers! 

Year 6- Friday Enrichment

Year 6 have started an artist study of Pablo Picasso. This week they drew their portraits in the style of Picasso using chalk and pastels. What a fantastic result!



Tuesday 12 March 2019

Science Week

Year 1 have had a brilliant Science Day! We investigated different objects to see if we could stretch, twist, bend or squash them, learnt about animal classification groups, investigated which fruits float and which fruits sink and had a magnificent visit from Zoolab! We learnt about vertebrates and invertebrates and saw a giant African snail, millipede, hissing cockroach, tarantula and a snake!

Science Week

Year 2 tested how far a marble would travel on different surfaces, met some mini-beasts and ran some races in P.E.

Friday 8 March 2019

Science Week

Science Week will begin on Monday 11th March.
This year’s theme is ‘Journeys’ encouraging children to think about the different scientific journeys that happen every day and how they can discover science through their own lives and experiences. It is also a chance for children to consider how journeys can help us experience more of the world around us. 

Enrichment Friday - Year 2

Today for enrichment the children learnt about International Women’s Day. They wrote about an inspirational woman in their lives and drew lovely pictures of them!

World Book Day